Gambling website restrictions - Can someone clarify


New member
Oct 25, 2010
If a website was almost entirely educational about poker - or any other card game - would it fall under the umbrella of a gambling website or a gaming site?

I wouldn't have any casino offers or online gambling etc. Just the how to, strategies etc and maybe a forum for a local community to organize friendly games. (ok, might try to monetize a little bit with amazon aff products or something)

Just wondering how tough the battle for such a site would be to get ranked, ie most vendors in the BST section dont do gambling sites.

I used this section so I could give you boobies for your time:



If there's no gambling on the site than it's not a gambling site.
BTW i was a bit surprised when I just did a G search of a few related search terms -- learn poker, how to play poker etc. : the first few results were Not the big poker sites.
You're wondering about ranking? Nothing is stopping you from ranking a gambling site. As identity pointed out, you're restricted from using Adsense and other advertising platforms in the US but that's about it.
Can't use Google Adsense. Not sure about Amazon or others.

Why not? He said it would be an informational site.

I have a site that sells novelty casino equipment that also has informational articles about gambling (history, strategy, etc) and is partially monetized with adsense without any problem.

Of course, linkbuilding can be a bitch.

If Google had a problem with it, why would Adsense ads like "Play Free (casino game)" pop up all the time?
I had a poker informational site a few years back and all of the major cpm network classified it as Gambling. Got rejected from a few major outlets as well as facebook. Adsense was a no go too. Anything "gambling" related is a touchy subject, even if its not a site to place actual bets.
There are tons of sites that solely exists just for the heck of selling links to casino/poker sites.
Grab a Poker site, back trace its links, buy links, rank, Profit. Mix with rapebox and RMX, again rank, profit.

Never mind the adsense comment. Adsense has no business sneaking up on a Poker site. Pokers affiliates pay upwards of 150 per "sign up" "WITH BONUS" ( better than free trial ain't it?)

Oh Shit.. I should keep quite.. but the boobs were good.
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