Full Name - Domain Name Rights Question


New member
Oct 14, 2008
So Cal
Hi Guys,

I had a quick question about domains based on "firstnamelastname.com" formula.

I know that celebrities have fought to get "Madonna" or "Britney Spears"

However, I am launching a reputation management or mismanagement campaign again a religious douche attacking a website I care about.

I found out that his "firstnamelastname.com is available....

Can I register it and put up an "informational site" much like whitehouse.org?

Does he have the ability to claim it is his name therefore take the domain away?

Do I have to provide proof that my name is ALSO the same?

I am considering putting up a website that is FOR the site he is against.... OR a gay porn profile... not sure yet.

Any thoughts?

BTW this guy is a SUPER douche.

Well if your defaming his name (and even if you don't) he probably has grounds to sue to get the domain name. So do at your own risk.

There is a thread around here about staying anonomouse in these type of situations. You may want to search for it.