Fucking Turkish Hackers!

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
I woke up to a hacked site this morning, check out my sig. Luckly I am still in the developmental stage and was pretty much driving the couple visitors I was getting to a affiliate landing page.

I am using WPMU and was surprised to find out that this seems to be a common issue with MU....

Oh well my host is supposed to be looking into it and getting the site restored, Im not even gonna fuck with it, I wouldnt know where to start. Besides thats what a good host is for, "I or someone else fucked this or that up, please fix it"..... a good host will have no problem doing it...


Anyway Have a good Memorial Day...........

YUP.. i've been hit by those Turkish fuckers too. They're fighting for freedom or something? I don't even know. Fuck them.
What a bunch of worthless fucking assholes, youd think a person with skills like that would be spending their time making money not pulling off retarded little hacks.....
Yeah, I got hit recently too.

I don't know if it was the same group as you guys, but they got in through my VPS and I had to go through 36 websites, checking every single folder and resetting all my passwords [shudder] ... not a pleasant experience.

It was partly my own fault for not using strong enough passwords, but now I use randomly generated 16-chars password, storing everything RoboForm which automatically backs up to my Mozy account.

Those f*ckers ain't ever getting near my server again.

If anyone else gets hit, make sure you go through ever folder of every account on your server - I found 3 x phishing sites and a load of pages for bragging rights.
They've done it to me. Usually they leave some lame ass "scary" gif of a rotating skull and some turkish midi song.

Just go to their website (if they left one), and spot any illegal downloads. I did that and found warez and I just reported the makers and eventually they were shut down. I tried to contact their host but it appeared as they were their own host.
Yeah, I got one of my sites 'done' too. The guy got into the mysql server of my host for that site, and managed to deface around 30 sites that were using it.

Thankfully I backup, and I managed to get it back up and running within half an hour (and more fortunately before google stored any of the 'new' pages), but it's the last thing you need when you get back from the pub at 1 in the morning.
I left this morning / afternoon expecting tech to fix this shit, but I get back to the house 11:00 and the shit is stil down looks like I am going to have to fix it myself....... lm just glad it was a site that was still in development and not one that is actually getting traffic, so it really isnt a big deal, its more of an anoyance than anything else.

Id love to get my hands on one of these little fags! I mean really Im not fucking around Id break both their fucking arms, they wouldnt have to worry about hacking and doing pathetic shit like this, fucking cock suckers, I am getting more pissed by the minuet I thought this shit was going to be fixed......

Its almost like some punk smashing the windows out of your car for no good god dam reason.......
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