Fucking Pissed Off at Hard Drive Bullshit


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
So I have an external hard drive with my iTunes library on it. Close to 10k songs and 200+ movies. I had another 100 movies on my computer's hard drive. I buy two 1 TB hard drives for my Mac Pro and RAID 1 them so I can have a nice back up.

So I copy the external iTunes library to the Raid. Perfect (so it seems). I open it up and the iTunes library reads that all the songs and movies are present. Turns out this isn't true. It's just reporting it as if it is. So I then copy the movies off my main drive onto the Raid and it works and I delete them. THEN I find the external's iTunes didn't even copy half the shit. So now I have half an iTunes library and none of the 100 movies from the main drive.

So now I'm sitting here using Carbon Copy Cloner hoping to god it'll copy the external properly and I have some other bullshit program trying to access deleted trash bin files so I can NOT re-rip 100 movies. And if it finds them, I'm sure it's going to say "oh, we can restore those for you after you register this software for 50 bucks."

God. Damn. It.

What can I do? What is your recommendation? I'm about to chuck this whole fucking set up out the window and never touch a computer again.

Did you by chance happen to have Time Machine running?

pro-tip: never rely on 'media library' type software to manage drive contents. They almost always create soft links and playlists and treat them like real files.
Did you by chance happen to have Time Machine running?

pro-tip: never rely on 'media library' type software to manage drive contents. They almost always create soft links and playlists and treat them like real files.

No Time Machine.

I'll take the pro-tip. I liked iTunes for it's wonderful organizational ability. I didn't realize what you are saying about soft links and all that till now. It's a cluster-fuck.

Does anyone know of an easy Mac program to compare the contents of two different folders or drives?

Carbon Copy Cloner is about 90% done. If this doesn't do it right I'm going to masturbate furiously until I feel better.
Carbon Copy Cloner seems to have worked. I'm checking random songs and rolling through the library. If you select the item, it throws up an "!" if the file isn't in the directory its supposed to be. The 100 movies are throwing up !, but all the songs so far are showing that all is well. I'll keep checking, but now it all depends on recovering these deleted files.

I haven't downloaded or changed anything. Hopefully they all recover. It's about 50% of the way of reading the files, after two hours or so. Taking forever.
Always use Time Machine and get a subscription to Carbonite too, so fucking worth it.

I've got one more slot open in the Mac Pro. I've got a 250 GB for the programs and all that. It's the one that came with it. I've got two 1 TB's in a RAID 1. I may pick up another 1 TB and use it as a Time Machine. Thanks for the suggestion. I always discounted it, but I'll look into it now.