Fucking pigs


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Women delivering newspapers in Torrance shot in manhunt for ex-cop - latimes.com

  1. So the people sworn to "protect us", are shooting at cars/people that have similar cars? Don't you think you should have a proper identification before you light up a car? I guess these pigs have a license to kill.
  2. These idiots that become killers, or don't have the proper intelligence to ID someone have the ability to have "assault weapons", and high capacity magazines, but the public cannot?

I'm about 10 miles from big bear lake, california right now where all this is going down.

Shows what they're really "made of". They're running scared and it's showing. Fucking cowards.


I'd call this guy a real life anti-hero.
FWIW they were on a street where they were protecting someone. Not justifying what they did, but talk about wrong place wrong time.

Also, did anyone see a pic or news footage of the car? They lit it up with at least 30-50+ rounds.
The cops have come out saying they have no duty to protect the people. #FTP

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZKVSNjlSp0]Is The NYPD's "Protect & Serve" Policy A Thing Of The Past? - YouTube[/ame]


They say the papers they had in the truck probably saved their lives.
Shows what they're really "made of". They're running scared and it's showing. Fucking cowards.

I'd call this guy a real life anti-hero.

too bad he's a huge statist and a big advocate of gun control.
Consider a cop's position...

- serving and protecting the public is not a requirement.

- acts of savagery and murder are covered up or swept under the rug. For every cop convicted of murder, 100 go free.*

- if a lawsuit surfaces for a murder done by cop, the plaintiff is intimidated by the department in an attempt to encourage him or her to retract the suit. If the plaintiff persists, and litigation results in an award, the award is paid by taxpayers. So too are settlements.

- paychecks will continue to arrive... no matter what.

Given these things, there is very little incentive to behave or use restraint.

Here's an example:

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement cleared a state trooper of wrongdoing Wednesday in its investigation of a shooting at a Pinellas Park cemetery.


[Clifford] Work, 48, who owns Royal Palm North Cemetery, was asleep inside a maintenance shed on the property when Cole, accompanied by two Pinellas Park police officers, knocked at the door about 6 a.m., according to the report. Cole had tracked a signal from a stolen motorcycle, which led him to the shed.

Confused, and thinking the visitors might be there to rob him, Work picked up a handgun before opening the door, the report stated. Cole then fired 15 shots from a rifle. One round pierced Work's thigh.

"Following the completion of this investigation it appears that Trooper Daniel Cole was in the legal performance of his official law enforcement duties and acted within the scope of his legal assignment," the report concluded.

At one point, I had planned to start a thread showcasing cop wrongdoings with the intent of posting one story per week. It takes time to track 'em down, read 'em, and summarize 'em, so I abandoned the idea. (I still might do so.) But I tell anyone willing to listen the reasons to avoid and shun cops.

* This number was yanked out of Jake's bum.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM02kr5DwoE]Cop Punches Victim (US Soldier) for Complaining It Took Them 45 Minutes to Respond to His Call (Raw) - YouTube[/ame]
^-Fucking christ that pisses me off. Regardless of the kids stupid hard-ass attitude of having been in the military, that cop was a perfect example of what Jake just pointed out.
Yeah it really is to bad. I never said I agree with his politics, but I do like his actions (killing corrupt cops).

This dude is a fucking murderer man, nothing else, he shouldn't be praised for his actions. The girl I'm dating was friends with that couple he murdered, absolutely terrible.
Lol. You guys think America has corrupt cops. Yet I'm willing to bet the first number you call is 911 when shit hits the fan.

There's bad cops and good cops. Just like there's bad and good people. Why assume the whole pie is bad based on actions of a few. I personally know cops and even workout with a couple, really nice guys. But then again I live a nice suburban area.
This dude is a fucking murderer man, nothing else, he shouldn't be praised for his actions. The girl I'm dating was friends with that couple he murdered, absolutely terrible.

So far he murdered:
- the daughter of an LAPD Captain (who he had beef with) and her fiancee
- a random Riverside police officer stopped at a red light

I don't see any corrupt cops in that list.

This is what I don't understand. I don't get how some of you retards can praise this guy. He's killed innocent people and is a murderer.

Even if his trial was a fraud, even if ALL cops are corrupt, it doesn't justify him killing other people who just happen to be related to cops.
The guy a fucking attention whore. So he failed at life; we all have shit to deal with big and small.

WTF is up with the manifesto and the celebrity shoutouts. Its pretty clear he wants attention. If its all business, keep it that way.
He probably shot himself by now after he went into the woods

all he's doing is exposing the dirt on the LAPD.. We need much, much, much stricter laws regulating these "bobbys"

no one helps an old lady or man across the street, or regulates the community and make sure it's safe. thats the duty of law enforcement. Not this police state stuff..

No im not a conspiracy theorist.. not by far.. never will be.. but whats this Obama guy doing about our laws in this country.. Great he helps out LGBT's Thats great!!.. I have nothing against that, but what is he doing to help out everybody? not just gays.. I'd be impressed if he made laws to get Cops and Judges should be Regulated..

By the people.. the people and community should have law to force them out at anytime especially if theres mess like this