fucking great anti government bailout commercial


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Found this while stumbling, don't know if you guys seen this or not.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTSQozWP-rM&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Pretty dope.

Good commercial, but I still don't understand why people don't want health care... fucken ridiculous.
Good commercial, but I still don't understand why people don't want health care... fucken ridiculous.

We don't want gov't health care because we know gov't doesn't work. It's no coincidence that the US is wealthier than Europe and the rest. We were the last country to impose socialist policies.
The lefties parodied that video by re-subtitling it with jokes referencing Sharon Angle thinking mexicans look like asians and Christine O'Donnell's past with witchcraft I think. It was pretty funny actually if you got the context, but the limp dicks at Youtube got scared and yanked it so I can't post the vid.
Hello friends,

It expected China will some day have more power America and then it India turn after.

Good luck bros
I think you meant you don't understand why people don't want to pay for other peoples healthcare.

But you're happy for the government to pay trillions for an attempt at installing a government and creating stability in ANOTHER country?
I vote for a perma-ban on whatgenre... It's quite obvious that he's up to no good here!

As for the commercial, it was clever, but totally, completely, and utterly wrong. It was projecting peoples' fears, and had no facts about healthcare and taxation to support it.

For anyone who thinks that the standard of living or especially the healthcare in northern europe, you know, all those socialist countries, are lower than here in America, try going there first and checking it out for yourself, you bunch of ditto-headed, no-passport-holding fools!

P.S. I live in Kansas but only go to the doctor in London. Our medical system here is unacceptable, and our drugs are worse!
I vote for a perma-ban on whatgenre... It's quite obvious that he's up to no good here!

For anyone who thinks that the standard of living or especially the healthcare in northern europe, you know, all those socialist countries, are lower than here in America, try going there first and checking it out for yourself, you bunch of ditto-headed, no-passport-holding fools!

P.S. I live in Kansas but only go to the doctor in London. Our medical system here is unacceptable, and our drugs are worse!

I am from Iowa man but currently live in Spain. I have to disagree here. Yeah it's easier for you to walk into a clinic and leave without your wallet empty but the actual quality in the US is by far the best in the world. The technology and ways of treatment are far superior than in any other country.
I am from Iowa man but currently live in Spain. I have to disagree here. Yeah it's easier for you to walk into a clinic and leave without your wallet empty but the actual quality in the US is by far the best in the world. The technology and ways of treatment are far superior than in any other country.

Man, I am staying the HELL out of Spain if you could be led to believe that!

Don't you know about big pharma here? They won't sell a cure for anything at all, only profitable things that lengthen their customers lives long enough to keep paying for their $1,000 monthly prescriptions. It's our biggest racket.

Meanwhile, when I visit the UK, Thailand, or pretty much any northern European country at all they're only interested in curing you, not turning you into their ATMs.

I enjoyed my trip to Barcelona immensely when I was younger, but now that I'm getting longer in the tooth I'm going to have to avoid your whole country after hearing this news. Thanks for the heads up!