Fucking Goddamn Rickrolling

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My Internet is Broken
Sep 26, 2006
Goddammit! Cock! Balls!

If I get rickrolled one more goddamn time, which I will because I am a naive fucker, I'm going to piss and moan about it like an impotent prick on the forum message boards!

Oh, sweet - a good landing page huh? *click* Fuuuuck.
Better CTR on my google ads? Sweet. *click* Fuuuck.
Wow really? Increase my p3nis size? *click* Fuuuck.

Sweet jesus, when does it end? Last time, largely because I'm masochistic, I watched the whole video through. And then to my surprise, it didn't stop. No, it repeated for my pleasure.

I hope the puss-infected nipple-drip who decided rickrolling was cool gets a case of the flaming shits so bad that his innards come out. Fucker.


On my own accord i started giving 7 day bans to anyone who posts up the rickroll that crashes your browser. Which isn't even a rick roll, for us internet marketers that's like walking up to a coworker and purposely knocking everything off their desk. It's only funny once, then you get your ass kicked. So when you run into any just report them. Until then watch this and relax 'bout it.

Thanks Deli. It always seems like I have Firefox open with about six important tabs every time it happens... and then Firefox taunts me by asking if I want to restart my prior session. Too bad it doesn't offer a "Without the rickroll" option, haha.

- Q.
i heard you bro..i am so sick of it. I need to right click and check the link before i click anything here..i felt stupid in the first few times,,but then it start getting annoying..

no script is not the best cause you will still get rickrolled, just not the pop up..also you will block script from other site. I asked my friend to write a windows script that block the few known rick url (like the internetisseriousbusiness from Eli) here in wickedfire. Download it and install it with greasemonkey and you will be alright until someone come up a new url
If you get rick rolled just go to your Preferences > Content > Uncheck Enable Javascript

Then close the tab...
Sweet jesus, when does it end? Last time, largely because I'm masochistic, I watched the whole video through. And then to my surprise, it didn't stop. No, it repeated for my pleasure.

So, were you able to get it up for another round of jacking when the video repeated?
I think it's hilarious when one actually gets me. I had been going on MONTHS of not getting rick rolled and then nicky got me with one. I was sooo not expecting it that it actually took me a second to realize what was going on. I laughed and my husband in the next room yelled, "They got you!"

EDIT: I've never gotten the browser crashing one, and if I did I would be pissed. Eli's right, those are fucked up.
For some reason, everyone here reminds me of that guy from the office.

I like what was said about it being like some prick at a real job coming up and knocking all the shit off your desk... thats exactly how I felt when I got hammered.

Thanks Deli. It always seems like I have Firefox open with about six important tabs every time it happens... and then Firefox taunts me by asking if I want to restart my prior session. Too bad it doesn't offer a "Without the rickroll" option, haha.

- Q.

Damn Q, I thought the same thing a couple of times. Now I look through every post looking for the rickroll footprint.
And now to make matters worse is that I will have the Rick Rolled Viking stuck in my head.
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