Fucking Bullshit LSU

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
LSU just lost to Kentucky. Albeit it was a good game. The refs can suck my dick for all of those bad fucking calls. FUCK

Oh please, dude. Kentucky did a great job of protecting their house. They were really fired up from losing to South Carolina (my team) so easily in Columbia.

LSU is still, IMO, the toughest team in the NCAA no matter what the BCS or any other rankings say. It damn sure isn't Ohio State, who is only #1 because of their powder puff schedule and circumstance.

That's why the SEC is, hands down, the toughest division in college football. And also why the winner of the SEC conference championship game almost always goes to the NC game. Because the SEC is so tough that it is nearly impossible to go through an entire year without a loss.

Think about it: if you were to evenly distribute every SEC team (save for Miss State, Ole Miss, and Vandy) throughout the rest of the conferences they would DOMINATE.

Georgia and Alabama in the ACC? Domination.

LSU and 'Bama in the WAC? Domination.

Florida and Auburn in the Big 10? Domination.

They would have one..maybe two teams in each division to scrap with each year. Whereas in the SEC almost every conference game (again, save for those three teams) are a force to be reckoned with. Now that Kentucky and my Gamecocks are among those forces as well, anything can happen.

But I sincerely believe that LSU still has the best fighting chance in the SEC West to go to Atlanta for the champ game. The East is currently a shootout between South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, and Kentucky.

The next four weeks are going to be interesting, to say the least.
rob anrie and dawn were talking about that all day long. they knew it was gonna happen. Although i didnt think it would
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