Fucking Banks

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New member
Aug 19, 2007

No biggie, I go to dps and get a temporary one and everything is gravy right? HELL NO. I can't use my credit cards, and i discover that I have a daily withdraw limit of $400. I can survive on that.... but now I need a sizeable cashiers check for the deposit and first month's rent on my new place. FUCK!

Its all good. I've been banking at the same bank for 15 years, and my family banked with the same banker before that. He'll vouch for me. The thing is, I haven't been inside a bank in... 6-8 months. Turns out, he's retired. No one else has any idea who i am and when I try to prove I own an account with entirely too much money for someone my age, I get a chuckle.

The only other option is trying the bank that has my business accounts. I walk in, and the banker who i have seen FOUR times gets all gitty and happily tells me that its great my accounts are there and how he can be of service. THANK GOD.

The moral of this story. It's easy to avoid going into banks because you get wires and so you don't have to explain why their 2.78% savings account doesn't do it for you, but make sure you make friends with someone who works there. If shit hits the fan, and you can't prove who you are, you need someone to vouch for you, preferably atleast a personal banker. If not, you're screwed.


I dunno where you are, but a lot of states let you just go online and order a copy of your license...

Here in AZ it's easy as hell, and its only like 15 bucks...
I got a second one, and put it away, just in case something like that happens to me.
Dont understand why you cant use credit cards- unless they were lost with your license. ID is not required to use a credit card. In fact requiring ID with a signed credit card is a violation of Visa/MC merchant policies ( not sure on AMEX and Disc, though). they are only supposed to compare signatures. Or were you saying you couldnt use credit cards for what you needed to pay for?

Of course that doesnt help with the cashier check/bank situation. Glad you got it worked out.
I second the idea that you should get to know your banker.

A few years back, I was in Vegas for CES and got a frantic phone call from my office manager saying my payroll company had called and said they failed to process payroll properly - oops we are sorry you are screwed we can get the checks out on Monday.

So I am across the country and all of the sudden I have $11 grand in payroll due in like 90 minutes for a bunch of employees who truly were living paycheck to paycheck. The Mirage offered me a $15k cash line of credit against a personal check but Western Union wanted like $1800 to wire the money where it could be picked up in cash. Screw that.

I called my banker at my local branch and asked for her help. She knew exactly who I was and asked a few identifying questions and then released 11k in cash to my office manager based upon a voice authorization.

If you are running a real business and you dont know the name of your local branch bank manager, the names of the security guards in your office building and the names of the cleaning crew who has keys to your office and can basically screw you whenever they want - you are setting yourself up for a ton of heartache. A few "hi - how is your son/daughter?" or some fruitcake or a small cash tip at christmas goes a hell of a long way.
Hahha im hearing ya, i am about to hand my licence in from a fucking speeding fine (20km over) that I got on New Years day this year, hahah yes new years day this year. Fucking cops and their multinova cameras. Anyway im going to be without it for 3 months but have to serve a 21 day mandatory suspension before i can apply for temp licence.

$480 bucks later that is...

Fucking cops. And on top of that the local cuntstable gives me a xmas bonus of a $50 street drinking fine on the weekend while out at a xmas party.

Fucking cops.

moral of the story:

Dont speed.
Dont drink.
Dont have fun.


Diorex - YES.

I learned this when moving from programmer to project manager.

Get to know people, most are pretty nice.

Even those that are not will make things happen for you when you take a bit of time for them. A simple "how are you" before launching into business (Write that, develop this, the toilet needs scrubbing..) and taking a few minutes to really LISTEN to the answer is all it takes.

I F'd my bank teller back in the day, so I never have to worry about that kinda stuff.

I suggest you all do the same :)
Well, if you have a girl teller... And she isnt old and fat.
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