Fuckin Dmoz

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New member
Aug 20, 2008
So im checking my google analytics and i see a dmoz editor had checked out my site. So i after shitting my pants (because i sent my site to dmoz like 7 months ago) i went to check to see if my site had made it. well it wasnt, so i figure they are two options. 1) my site didn't make the cut 2) Dmoz is being really fucking slow about adding me, because they are slow to do everything. Anyone else have this happen to them? Im an optimistic person so i would hope it would be option 2. I got added to jayde yesterday which was sweet, my goal is to get my site to PR3 and right now im stuck at PR1, i know it will take a lot of time and unfortunately... money.

This is the religious Christian savior forum, Wicked Fire, right?

All these weird words you guys use are making me think I joined the wrong place!

just submit and forget about the link, that is what I do. Why do you even bother to check if they have approved or not as they usually take 6-8 months to approve/reject the link.
If you insist upon getting into DMOZ, the best way to get in is to become an editor. Granted, you'll only be able to increase your shot of getting into whatever section you're editing. But there you go.

There are better links out there.
Requirements to be a DMOZ editor:
  • Must be a douchebag
  • Must be under 16 years old
  • Must be a Digg fanatic
  • Must own an iPhone
  • Must not allow monetizing of any sort, unless the website is 5+ years old
  • Must know that pagerank is a clear indicator of content quality
  • Must own a website listed in the category you plan to become an editor for, and religiously disallow new listings for no apparent reason
i hate to burst your bubble but dmoz is dead. They had a bug in their editor logins that made it so no one could login for 6 months. So when they finally fixed it the only editors they had left were the hardcore nazi ones that only approve sites that belong to fortune 500 companies and the editors that only add their own sites. Unless you know an editor in your cat you're site won't make it in.
ive never got a site into dmoz, but the good news is that i dont think dmoz is really important anymore
ive never got a site into dmoz, but the good news is that i dont think dmoz is really important anymore

Yeah they don't mean shit. I recently let my dmoz editor account expire (i assume its expired by now). A link on dmoz ain't even worth the time to login anymore.
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