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New member
Nov 16, 2007
hey. I got this fucking domain Allthingsthatsuck.com. Dont ask me how I got it to fucking Pr5 cause I don't know. But I do know that every stupid cumm guzzling duchbag on dp loves PR. my pr ranking is even higher than some of the highly trafficed and spammed smaller social sites. So. What the fuck do I fucking do. DO I develop this bitch? do I keep it as a social site? (that shit is going to take a lot of moderation and server space) Do I just build a shit load of back links then flip the mother fucker? I need some serious help here assholes. I have been told several times by several people that I am sitting on gold. those of you who really know me around here know that I really am a moron and have NO business sense. But I have some pretty fucking killer domain names and ideas that I am very proud of. so what the fuck ? call me a dumb arab. or a terrorist. I dont give a fuck. Just tell my dumb ass which way to point the shoe bomb.

~may internet gods smile upon you~

How are you seeing PR5 buddy? ... It's a PR0.

Yup. Shows a PR0 for me as well.

Sometimes if you have multiple FF tabs open, the high PR from one site you have open will "bleed over" to the other, lower PR sites. Think you could have become confused because of that?
Jelf, buddy, I just gotta say that your avatar makes me want to pour Draino in your eyes.
Jelf, buddy, I just gotta say that your avatar makes me want to pour Draino in your eyes.

Haha. It does look like you're the sort of guy I would really hate. The kind of guy that tattled on the "cool kids" for smoking cigarettes in the bathroom in high school. Are you "that guy" Jelf?
maybee I am a bigger moron than I thought. But I have search status and google toolbars and they both showing PR-5. Or am I dumb and blind !
alright so after that bashing and busting my head againts the computer screen I have come back for more bashing. something like over 3000 inlinks and everyhthing here shows me pr 5

So am I still tripping? or did I actually get this mother fucker to Pr 5
alright so I did get this bitch to pr 5 and now its time for the hard fucking work.
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