Fucked Up Alexa Stats

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
I have a site that is getting on average about 300 uniques per day which really isnt much, but my Alexa stats are pretty decent

60000, reach = about 20 to 40 million a day, Reach per million is up 367%. WTF? I own sites that get much more traffic and they dont even rank in Alexa. How do they operate over there?

Alexa rank is based off the people who have downloaded the Alexa toolbar in there browser.

You site probably has a unusual amount of people with the toolbar in their browser compared to other sites probably

Alexa isnt the best tool to judge site popularity often
lexa isnt the most accurate tool I just find it odd that this site is ranking so high with them, I dont have the tool bar but I do spend allot of time on the site, refreshing adding and rechecking content. maybe if I keep doing what Im doing ill end up being placed as a top mover and gain traffic from that alone :?
alexas been on this trip lately. Look at the date under the graph. it says the 22nd or 23rd.
Hasn't updated in awhile and when it was updating it was saying everyone was N/A. They must be doing something retarded. They're alexa they enjoy that stuff.
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