

New member
Jul 6, 2011
It feels like I've been at this for months, but, looking back, I know I haven't done SHIT in the way of building a real business. I've lurked here for a while and I know how this place operates. I know I'm going to get flamed for this post.

But what the FUCK?! Everyone here is "in the loop". I'm reading everything you all discuss, and I'm so distant. Not in the club. Everyone's in the game and I'm not even fucking playing or something.

So the wafo and doublepenetration forums are only bankable for people who want to manipulate the retarded assholes who actually visit those sites--I get it. And WF is for people who are already in the "real" affiliate marketing loop to come shoot the shit and laugh at the fags from wafo.

So how the fuck does anyone really get started? Information overload from every direction. The impressions I get from one place are totally opposite the impressions I get from another. On WF, it's like everyone's a master of PPC running thousands through their established business everyday. On wafo, it's as if the subconscious goal of the masses is to become some mmo guru even though every single fucking one of them knows it's a mass delusion.

Yeah, I'm broke and I have nothing to show for myself after all this time. Still working the glorious McJob out of high school. I grew up with the net and I figured I could apply what I've always considered second nature to a real business as an adult, but I'm feeling more and more like one of the retards that I've held in contempt all of my life.

Let the dickrolls slap me in the face all day. Nominate me for bans and whatever else. If even one person replies here with any legitimate advice that is at all helpful, then the flaming will be worth it. I've read the stickies; I've read hundreds of posts, ebooks, blogs... I've blown some cash on various tests and I haven't hit a winner. Is that how you guys got started? Testing? Is it that simple?

I'm not lazy, but I'm afraid that the gurus have me chasing shit that doesn't exist.

It feels like I've been at this for months, but, looking back, I know I haven't done SHIT in the way of building a real business. I've lurked here for a while and I know how this place operates. I know I'm going to get flamed for this post.

But what the FUCK?! Everyone here is "in the loop". I'm reading everything you all discuss, and I'm so distant. Not in the club. Everyone's in the game and I'm not even fucking playing or something.

So the wafo and doublepenetration forums are only bankable for people who want to manipulate the retarded assholes who actually visit those sites--I get it. And WF is for people who are already in the "real" affiliate marketing loop to come shoot the shit and laugh at the fags from wafo.

So how the fuck does anyone really get started? Information overload from every direction. The impressions I get from one place are totally opposite the impressions I get from another. On WF, it's like everyone's a master of PPC running thousands through their established business everyday. On wafo, it's as if the subconscious goal of the masses is to become some mmo guru even though every single fucking one of them knows it's a mass delusion.

Yeah, I'm broke and I have nothing to show for myself after all this time. Still working the glorious McJob out of high school. I grew up with the net and I figured I could apply what I've always considered second nature to a real business as an adult, but I'm feeling more and more like one of the retards that I've held in contempt all of my life.

Let the dickrolls slap me in the face all day. Nominate me for bans and whatever else. If even one person replies here with any legitimate advice that is at all helpful, then the flaming will be worth it. I've read the stickies; I've read hundreds of posts, ebooks, blogs... I've blown some cash on various tests and I haven't hit a winner. Is that how you guys got started? Testing? Is it that simple?

I'm not lazy, but I'm afraid that the gurus have me chasing shit that doesn't exist.

I bought a 4L deep fryer (not super large, because I don't fry a lot) today. I'm warming up the oil in it for the first time and I'm about to make some hot wings :D. I know I know fried food isn't good for you, but wtf who doesn't love hot wings.


Tomorrow I think I'll fry some cat fish.
What have you actually tried? How many campaigns have you built? How many ad and landing page variations did you test? How many impressions and/or clicks have you bought?

You can't just throw $100 on plentyoffish and expect the world.
What have you actually tried? How many campaigns have you built? How many ad and landing page variations did you test? How many impressions and/or clicks have you bought?

You can't just throw $100 on plentyoffish and expect the world.

I've tried a lot of different things. Private banner ad buys, email list building, the whole SEO thing/niche sites catering to kws etc. Gone to some strange lengths... tried bandit signs based on what I saw the real estate guys doing, flyers pushing relevant cpa offers on college kids, all kinds of wacky stuff. Ran a "freebies" site for a while which monetized through an opt-in list which received submits. Flipping sites, service hustling. The only things I don't have any experience with are ebook slinging and ppc.

I have a grasp on how testing and optimization should work and despite that it seems as if nothing I can get my hands on even comes close to being profitable. I've only been in the green a few times, and it hasn't been enough to offset my expenses over time. Taking the plunge into adwords is scary with that kind of history, not to mention the limited budget I have as per:

Double Quarter Pounder W/Fries Please.

Fuck It, Super Size The Coke.

How did anyone go about gauging their first successful campaign? Tossing money at various tests hasn't gotten me far, so I'm concerned with taking that route when it comes to the big kid stuff.
I've tried a lot of different things. Private banner ad buys, email list building, the whole SEO thing/niche sites catering to kws etc. Gone to some strange lengths... tried bandit signs based on what I saw the real estate guys doing, flyers pushing relevant cpa offers on college kids, all kinds of wacky stuff. Ran a "freebies" site for a while which monetized through an opt-in list which received submits. Flipping sites, service hustling. The only things I don't have any experience with are ebook slinging and ppc.

I have a grasp on how testing and optimization should work and despite that it seems as if nothing I can get my hands on even comes close to being profitable. I've only been in the green a few times, and it hasn't been enough to offset my expenses over time. Taking the plunge into adwords is scary with that kind of history, not to mention the limited budget I have as per:

How did anyone go about gauging their first successful campaign? Tossing money at various tests hasn't gotten me far, so I'm concerned with taking that route when it comes to the big kid stuff.

Sure I'll post pictures of the first batch. They're almost done chicken takes a while to cook.


Sauce is already on them in the picture.

If you're deep-frying that stuff then I can't see it taking more than seven or eight minutes

I don't like white people chicken.
Why didn't you cut them into drum/wing pieces before making them? They are really awkward to eat that way.

I thought about that right before I started eating them. The next batch I will.

brent just find something and dominate it. SEO, PPC, Mailing find something and stick with it don't jump from one thing to the next.
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Taking the plunge into adwords is scary with that kind of history, not to mention the limited budget I have....
??? IMHO adwords should be one of the 1st things you should be trying out in order to learn the basics of ppc. At least it was for me.

brent just find something and dominate it. SEO, PPC, Mailing find something and stick with it don't jump from one thing to the next.

brent it seems like everything you have listed thus far is a workable tactic

you give up too easily
^and this
If you legitimately tried everything you said you did and didn't make at least a little money...maybe this business just isn't for you.
I can somewhat relate to how your feeling. It's like reading the stickies and constantly going "Ya, Ok, for sure I get that!", but then starting from scratch is like, "WTF do I do!".

For me, it is similar to learning math. You can sit there for hours going "Yeah....Ok.....I get that...I get that!...w/e........but then you start from scratch and the problem is impossible.

Stick to one thing. Learn it, dominate it, and then move to the next. Practice it while your learning it.

And why the fuck did you not post this in the newbie section? Ban him.
Tactics without strategies and goals is a waste of time. You lack a strategy and probably don't have a well defined goal.

Forget gurus, emulate successful people. That means don't act like an idiot, work hard, learn relentlessly and discover your passion.

And what Andrew Scherer said about giving up. If you don't believe in yourself, why would anyone else?
Services and flipping work very well, it's just about being able to adjust it into an automated revenue stream to use in funding other streams growth.

I would stick with 1 thing, automate it, and move onto something else using the automated profit for funding/experimentation.
If you legitimately tried everything you said you did and didn't make at least a little money...maybe this business just isn't for you.
Possibly this. People are seriously astoundingly different in the way they think, feel, how their whole brain is wired. Perhaps you should step back and really try to figure out what you actually want in life. Maybe you were destined to become a pilot, or perhaps a dentist. A good way to figure this out is to imagine you're going to die from cancer in a year - what do you want to be/do/achieve before you die?

You're most likely to succeed with something that you'd rather die than not be able to achieve. You need to want it that bad.