
New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
What the fuck is wrong with this company? My 360 died after 5 years or so, so I replaced it with a PS3 a couple months ago. All I play is COD online a couple hours a week, so while the Playstation network was down, I didn't touch the console. Then when it came back up, I turn the fucking thing on and it ate my game. After getting the game out manually using steps from phone support, the piece of shit wouldn't take any disks. The 14 year old support tech on the phone said they would send me a return box which would take 7-10 days and then I could send the shit back and I would have it back in another week or two. If that wasn't enough, the return box came and I went to back my shit up and everything in the software is going haywire and the box keeps trying to update and fails and reboots....

So I call Sony to update my ticket so they don't just fix the hardware and send it back with the software still fucked and these mother fuckers have the nerve to give me a recording that says:

Sorry, due to a high volume of requests, we cannot answer your call at this time... AT ALL. Not - can you wait 2 hours, but just - fuck you, we can't even support our product because we are incompetent pieces of shit.



OK so if you don't feel like waiting all that time then go buy a new gaming console.

when ps3 network went down I went out and bought a Xbox 360 + a new copy of Black Ops so I could continue to feed my addiction.

if you don't have the extra money to afford a new PS3 then maybe you should spend more time working than playing videogames and starting shit threads on wickedfire
Finally their 10 year plan to fuck you over is coming to fruition!
OK so if you don't feel like waiting all that time then go buy a new gaming console.

when ps3 network went down I went out and bought a Xbox 360 + a new copy of Black Ops so I could continue to feed my addiction.

if you don't have the extra money to afford a new PS3 then maybe you should spend more time working than playing videogames and starting shit threads on wickedfire

It really has nothing to do with being able to play the games. It's principle. The console is two months old and in that time, the hardware, software, and their network all failed and they can't even pick up the phone to support their product and a repair takes a month from start to finish. It just baffles and frustrates me that a company the size of Sony can't shift enough resources to clean up all these messes they should have never made in the first place.

Like I said, I play maybe a couple hours per week and I can easily replace that destressing time with other activities. I can afford a new console, but I barely play the one I have when it is working - so no need.

It's just pretty scary when huge companies can't do ANYTHING right - Sony, Comcast, etc...
I feel you man, I've always worried about something like that happening, which is why I normally game on my PC. The only reason I own a PS3 is for MLB The Show and Madden.

In the mean time what I would do is go and buy a new one, ship the old one back. Wait. When it comes back return the one you just bought.
OK so if you don't feel like waiting all that time then go buy a new gaming console.

when ps3 network went down I went out and bought a Xbox 360 + a new copy of Black Ops so I could continue to feed my addiction.

if you don't have the extra money to afford a new PS3 then maybe you should spend more time working than playing videogames and starting shit threads on wickedfire

Pretty much this.

I mean $400 max would put you back in the saddle on an Xbox 360. I'm guessing here, since I am not a faggot I don't play on consoles(no offense console noobs), but I'm guessing $400 would get you all hooked up right?

So if you don't have $400 to waste you should be spamming moar not playing video games, yo.
Not trying to piss anyone off..but if you have the time to call Sony, going through the step by step, waiting for the return box, and then calling them again and again..why not just buy a new one? Their company is getting fucked in the ass by hackers, technical issue with some customer would be the LAST thing they worry about. Just buy a new one bro.
mcgrunin takes his am game to blackops as well

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX9HMK62HYE&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪mgrunin - Black Ops Game Clip‬‏[/ame]

Edit: Not sure why the quality is so fucking bad. Uploaded it from theater mode.
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ohhhh shit son! that dive through the window followed by spraying that fucker was fucking money :banana_sml:

Thanks, just got another decent clip:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o94ff6P9AiM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪mgrunin - Black Ops Game Clip‬‏[/ame]

At 5 seconds in the video, I pick up a quad kill feed, and end up getting 11 kills within a minute. Also, reason why I'm hipfiring everything is because I have steady aim on this class, and well famas + steady aim = rape.