Fuck You Facebook!!!


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I had a bunch of fake accounts on FB with like 1000-5000 friends on each... today I go to log in and they want me to "verify my identity" by showing me 3 pics of some random friend and asking me to select his name out of 6 options. I had to do this for like 5-10 people (some of them were easy to guess, since the guy in the pic was like middle eastern or mexican or something and only one of the names was fitting)... but in the end my answers were never accurate enough and I lost every account.

Pretty brilliant way to verify if an account is real tho... except for real people that have a bunch of people they don't know on their friends list haha

that roadblock is almost 6 fucking months old or older, where the fuck have you been.
Couldn't you just have opened another browser, browsed the fake profile's friends, and answered the questions? Or does the account disappear until verified?
I rarely log into these accounts (I used them to get the ball rolling for a bunch of fan pages back in the day) and this is the first time I've ever hit this roadblock. After trying a couple times I finally got into the account I really wanted to get into (I had to update a link on a fan page that makes me like $1k/month, so I was gonna try over and over again for hours if I had to haha). All I did to beat it was log into another FB account in my other browser, bring up the fake account, and then search the accounts friends for each of the 6 possible names and choose the one that best matches. It's pretty tough cause FB shows you random pics from their albums not their profile pics... some of the pics are from far away but you can skip twice so if you don't have a good guess you just hope the next person is easier to identify
Low 5 figures with about 200 views/day. It's a fan page for a poker pro tho and it promotes the online poker room that sponsors the person, so it converts extremely well and of course online gambling payouts are pretty generous ;)
ahh very cool, do you own multiple fanpages? seems like if one with low 5 figures can get that much money, scaling by making a shitload of fanpages would be a good idea, although i'm sure not all are as obviously monetizable as something like that, and being at the whim of facebook would be shitty if you spend a lot of time and money getting fans to a page that gets slapped
Yeah I've had this before, just had to fire up another account I had that was friends with my other fakes and go from there.
ahh very cool, do you own multiple fanpages? seems like if one with low 5 figures can get that much money, scaling by making a shitload of fanpages would be a good idea, although i'm sure not all are as obviously monetizable as something like that, and being at the whim of facebook would be shitty if you spend a lot of time and money getting fans to a page that gets slapped

Yea I did it for hundreds of famous people the first day fan pages came out (including every poker pro) and peddled affiliate links on all of them lol... over the years I've lost almost every single one tho since I was not an "official representative" of the person.
friendphotocaptcha = old news

actually really sucks because if people request you who you dont actually know and you accept them, your account is at risk - Also some of the pictures they show you to identify someone is like a foot they have in their photo album. Start studying your friends feet or your fucked ya'll
They get me everytime I travel (a lot) - so annoying. It is nice to see what my friends look like though (Don't really "broswe" FB too much).
friendphotocaptcha = old news

actually really sucks because if people request you who you dont actually know and you accept them, your account is at risk - Also some of the pictures they show you to identify someone is like a foot they have in their photo album. Start studying your friends feet or your fucked ya'll

ROFL laughed so hard. They are telling you to stalk more basically