Fuck Red Cross

Same here in the PH :)

Funds allegedly spent on "WOW" tarpaulins

The Philippine Red Cross on Wednesday denied allegations of misuse of its funds, saying there is a campaign to destroy the reputation of its secretary-general, Gwendolyn Pang.
In a statement, the Red Cross said the allegations of funds misuse in the organization were entirely baseless and inaccurate. It added that all its transactions are being audited by a reputable international independent auditor.
"They stem from a long-running and malicious campaign orchestrated by disingenuous members of the Red Cross who have since been dismissed. Ms. Pang is subsequently taking legal action against some of these individuals on the grounds of libel," the Red Cross said in a statement.
"All of the allegations have been rigorously investigated on two separate occasions in accordance with the Philippine Red Cross rules and procedures relating to accountability and transparency. Following the investigation Ms. Pang was fully exonerated and the Philippine Red Cross Governing Board has expressed its full confidence in her continued leadership of the organization."
I know a guy who works for and is deep in the Red Cross. They are a creepy organization in my opinion. Very cult like from what I've witnessed. I personally would never give them a dime.
I volunteered with them when I was 21, spent 3 weeks deployed, and it was interesting.

I don't donate to them or any of the global orgs. Those massive bureaucracies suck.

I donate the most to "Heroes on the Water" cause I've seen the money in use and it directly makes a difference to an individual in a powerful way.
I've done charity work and had to stop. I found the prolific waste, and use, of money sickening.

I also had a friend who did work with Cancer Research in London and said he'd never give a penny to them. He explained how their building is ultra modern, properly top-end and better than most of the banks he's worked with. He said their use of funds makes your blood boil.
The current Red Cross CEO makes $562,000/year. It's nice to know that when you contribute to the Red Cross, you ensure that she can live in a mansion.
The current Red Cross CEO makes $562,000/year. It's nice to know that when you contribute to the Red Cross, you ensure that she can live in a mansion.

They really are assholes.

I wonder why don't stories like these pop up when a humble dude goes on Foogle and search

donate to red cross
donate blood to red cross

I guess Red Cross probably are spending fortune in SEO or Foogle is sucking Red cross hairy balls
The current Red Cross CEO makes $562,000/year. It's nice to know that when you contribute to the Red Cross, you ensure that she can live in a mansion.

The Red Cross raised $2,974,133,836 last year. That's roughly 3 BILLION DOLLARS!

If you're complaining about the guy doing a poor job, then that's fine.

However, if you're complaining about a guy making $562,000, or precisely 0.018% of their revenue, then you're fucking up.
The Red Cross raised $2,974,133,836 last year. That's roughly 3 BILLION DOLLARS!

If you're complaining about the guy doing a poor job, then that's fine.

However, if you're complaining about a guy making $562,000, or precisely 0.018% of their revenue, then you're fucking up.

For some reason, I think people who go to work for charities shouldn't come out millionaires in the end.
For some reason, I think people who go to work for charities shouldn't come out millionaires in the end.

By your logic:

People that do good = NOT economically rewarded


People economically rewarded = those that DON'T DO GOOD

Do you want to live in a world where the smartest and most talented individuals are working on things like solving world hunger? Or do you want to live in a world where they create SEO services and learn how to manipulate Google's search algorithm?

If it's the former, then you need to understand simple incentives. An individual that can make $10 Million a year being a Fortune 500 CEO is never going to become the head of a charity for $55,000 a year. However, at $500,000, he'll consider taking the pay cut and creating good.
There's a difference between a charity and a business.

In any case, in this situation if you read the OP's article the Red Cross raised about half a billion dollars and built 6 houses in Haiti with the funds. I'm sure that $562k in salary was spent well.

Many charities these days are nothing more than elaborate schemes to enrich their CEO's/employees/etc.
All charities are businesses.

As are all churches.

If a CEO needs $500K+ year to lead charity, he's prob not in it for the right reasons.