FTC moves against the online Gurus

Empty promises is actually a friend of a friend.... feel sorry for that guy, doesn't look good.

But those don't really look like the ebook selling gurus... more so the rebill pushing affiliates. I wish they'd go after the "gurus"
Empty promises is actually a friend of a friend.... feel sorry for that guy, doesn't look good.

But those don't really look like the ebook selling gurus... more so the rebill pushing affiliates. I wish they'd go after the "gurus"

No it's the other way around. They are going after gurus more than rebill. Gurus are the one's that give false promises. MAKE $244,599 LIKE ME JUST BY CLICKING 4 TIMES.
That's some serious fraud, lol.
Ivy Capital Inc. and 29 co-defendants* allegedly have taken more than $40 million from people who paid thousands of dollars believing Ivy Capital would help them develop their own Internet businesses and earn up to $10,000 per month. According to the FTC’s complaint, Ivy Capital’s telemarketers asked consumers how much credit they had on their credit cards and then talked them into using a substantial portion of their available credit to purchase a business coaching program. But the promised products and services were worthless, the complaint alleged. Ivy Capital’s “expert” coaches lacked the promised knowledge and experience, its website-building software programs did not work properly, and the lawyers and accountants the defendants said would provide assistance were nonexistent. Consumers paid up to $20,000 for a business coaching program and related products and services but got very little in return.