FTC Hits Lumosity "Brain Training" Program

speaking of lumosity.. how do shitty online brainteasers raise almost $70M in fundiing?
speaking of lumosity.. how do shitty online brainteasers raise almost $70M in fundiing?

It's a continuity offer which had a pretty significant advertising campaign. They also made claims that their games were designed by scientists. It's not far fetched at all for a business like this to raise that kind of funding.
Luminosity is such BS. I used it for awhile, seemed to really base scores off of how often you played vs how smart you actually were. sounds like a good idea to keep people paying.
Disappointing. You would hope these things would transfer. Even the n-backing is mostly null and void. It makes me think that my excuse for playing video games will help out my other analysis skills but they probably don't.
Disappointing. You would hope these things would transfer. Even the n-backing is mostly null and void. It makes me think that my excuse for playing video games will help out my other analysis skills but they probably don't.

That's the other reason it was successful. People want to believe it works and that they are doing something to improve themselves.