[FS] Artilces

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Oct 22, 2008
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Hi all,

Here's some of my articles, 100% unique and will pass the copyscape sinced I've never publish them.

Format: Words Count - Title

220 - Disadvantages of AAC.doc
318 - How CD-Protection Solutions Work.doc
320 - What Does CD-Quality Audio Mean.doc
362 - World Travel Adapters.doc
395 - Maximize Your iPod’s Battery Life.doc
554 - Choose the iPod That’s Best for You.doc

Rate : $0.01/word

Payment = Paypal only

PM me for Paypal id.


Sinced you seem like such a great artilces writes why don't you put down a sample of the artilces so we can see the quality.
ok, please PM me who wants #1 articles for FREE!

[220 - Disadvantages of AAC.doc]

and you'll give me a review after recieving the article here!
Lol you didn't even spell articles right in your title.

What makes you think people are going to want to buy your shitty articles here?
Lol you didn't even spell articles right in your title.

What makes you think people are going to want to buy your shitty articles here?

sorry about that... but I've no luck to fix it sinced I need to create in fast. I'm from APAC and it's 23:50PM now... in the next 5 minutes my internet cafe will be closed.

and.. I thing your name -Billy- sound SH*IT for me.. and NOT my articles!!

btw.. here's the articles that I gave from the above, just for a sample:

   [B]Disadvantages of AAC[/B]
  AAC’s disadvantages are largely acceptable to most consumers, and include the following:
  At this writing, AAC files aren’t widely used. One reason is that, because AAC is relatively new and hasn’t been very widely implemented, few AAC encoders and decoders are available. However, in iTunes (and QuickTime), and the iPod, Apple has provided a comprehensive AAC encoding and decoding solution for the Mac.
  Encoding AAC files takes more processor cycles than encoding MP3 files. But as processors continue to increase in speed and power by the month if not by the week, this becomes less and less of a problem. For example, even relatively antiquated Macs (such as my PowerBook G3/333) have plenty of power to encode and decode AAC.
  For consumers, the largest potential disadvantage of AAC is the extent to which DRM can limit their use of the files. At this writing, Apple has delivered a relatively flexible implementation of DRM in the music sold by the iTunes Music Store. However, if Apple and the record companies tighten the licensing terms of the files in the future, consumers may have cause for concern. In this sense, AAC could act as a Trojan horse to wean Customers off MP3 and onto AAC, then gradually lock them in to a format that the music industry can control.
Quoted for Truth

And hey, you dumb little prick...
The name is Bill, not Billy

Illiteracy Kills

what's the differents?? both sound SHI*T for me! :rasta:
think before you talk about someone else creativity.. I can ask MOD to change the title... so what th metter for you to tell my articles shitty ?
Look at the way you write...

Who the fuck is going to want to buy articles from some dipshit who can't even construct a coherent sentence...

Differents... You mean difference?
Look at the way you write...

Who the fuck is going to want to buy articles from some dipshit who can't even construct a coherent sentence...

Differents... You mean difference?

if you're in my situation.. and typing with your 10 fingers... you tell me whats your idea??? have you ever know that wanna = want to ?
if you're in my situation.. and typing with your 10 fingers... you tell me whats your idea??? have you ever know that wanna = want to ?

My 10 fingers get tired so I have learned to type with my toes...what now...and -bill- is right, when you offer a service people are going to critique how you represent yourself. You offer writing services, then fuckin spell shit correctly and form decent sentences....jeez
Perhaps you should try writing articles in whatever your native tongue is before moving up to English.

If English is your first language, please vacate the Internet immediately.
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