fruit and alcohol, show me your recipe

Banana infused Jameson. 4 bananas to 1 liter of Jameson (or 3 to a 750ml). Cut the bananas and let them soak in the booze for 4 days or so. Strain the bananas out. Drink.

It sounded wrong the first time I was told to try it... But I was quickly convinced once I had my first glass.
Mango mojitos. Same recipe as your typical mojito, just add some mangos when muddling the mint leaves. Then add white rum, lemon juice, club soda, and syrup. Just stir. And enjoy!
Banana infused Jameson. 4 bananas to 1 liter of Jameson (or 3 to a 750ml). Cut the bananas and let them soak in the booze for 4 days or so. Strain the bananas out. Drink.

It sounded wrong the first time I was told to try it... But I was quickly convinced once I had my first glass.

You also restore the potassium you lose from drinking alcohol by adding the bananas.
I don't know if you get them in North America, but I've made sloe gin in the past & highly recommend it.. Google for measurements, but it's easy: Take your Gin, sugar & sloe berries (which you prick with a needle) leave to infuse for ~2 months, strain and enjoy.

Look to Eastern European schnapps recipes (unsure of specific names, but regional variations exist all over Balkans/Central/Eastern Europe) if you want something stronger i.e. starting with spirytus or everclear.
Mango mojitos. Same recipe as your typical mojito, just add some mangos when muddling the mint leaves. Then add white rum, lemon juice, club soda, and syrup. Just stir. And enjoy!

haha, i tried this recipe just now, but i got no rum so i put vodka instead. :D

This is one good recipe. I think with white rum it will taste a lot better. :)
Caipirinha from Brazil

1 lime
2 ounces of cachaça (can be Vodka also)
sugar to taste
ice cubes

Wash the lime and roll it on the board to loosen the juices. Cut the lime into pieces and place them in a glass. Sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces (pulp side up) with a pestle. (We have a long, wooden one from Brazil, made specifically for this purpose.) Just enough to release the juice, otherwise it'll get bitter. Add the cachaça and stir to mix. Add the ice and stir again.
I was looking for something more like this than a drink, but I'll try them out.
