From Animal Sacrifices to Human Zombies


New member
Jan 27, 2009
San Francisco, CA
Max Beauvoir, the head voodoo priest of Haiti, says he is sickened by the desecration of dead bodies, which were unceremoniously collected off of city streets and hurled into mass graves in the wake of the earthquake that leveled Port-au-Prince. His objections, he explained, are on religious grounds. Beauvoir told Haitian President René Préval that the desecration of bodies in this manner could lead to the dead roaming the earth again as zombies. In his voodoo temple in Port-au-Prince before the earthGAYquake's destruction, Beauvoir and his followers held frequent ceremonies to summon the spirits. They would light blazing bonfires and dance around a giant totem poll. The ceremonies would end with animal sacrifices and the draining of their blood (