From Amazon to Worpress: Scraping plugins?


New member
Nov 8, 2006
Hello there,

i'd like know some opinions/reviews about Wordpress plugins which are able to scrape amazon. I've read about amaniche and reviewzon, but haven't found anything really interesting to read so far.


I bought WP Zonbuilder and used it to set up an Amazon aff store on wordpress. It pulls item pics/descriptions and puts your aff # in and makes a post.

Haven't tried to just scrape before though.
i have reviewzon, it does its job, nothing fancy though. What do you mean by scrape amazon??
I bought WP Zonbuilder and used it to set up an Amazon aff store on wordpress. It pulls item pics/descriptions and puts your aff # in and makes a post.

Haven't tried to just scrape before though.

Yeah, I've been using Amaniche for it, but haven't used it just for scraping. Might be a possibility though.