Friend request from an unborn child


New member
Jun 24, 2006
[ame=]Olla - Filho Surpresa - YouTube[/ame]

The twist to the campaign was that the friend requests these men received, were from their still-to-born “sons”.
The company took the names of the young men and tacked a “Jr” onto it, so it was that a William Silva would have received a friend request from a William Silva Jr. The friend request was accompanied by a message promoting the use of Olla condoms.
“Avoid surprises like this one” Olla cheekily suggested.

I think there's something wrong with the video.

All of the letters are jumbled up, and the audio is unintelligible nonsense that sounds like someone talking backwards.
Do FB allow you to change names multiple times or did they create one fake account per person? Also, when you send out friend requests and others hit the "don't know" button a number of times they'll put a spam block on the ability to add friends. Surely most people would have hit that button. Can the cheap bastards not afford real advertising?:D