Friend needs skype help


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Says "The guys on WickedFire are way smarter than anyone on fucking Google! Cmon Jon, just post it and get me an answer please. I would totally trust the alleged hacker nerd guys on WickedFire than I would anyone on fucking Google, okay!!!"

He claims he can't find the answer on Google... lol

He's using a MAC (explains a lot)...

On Skype, he wants to know how to remove a number that was auto-saved on the dialpad.

Yes, this is real.


According to my friend you have to delete your call logs between you and that number.
[ame=] Skype For Dummies (9780470048917): Loren Abdulezer, Susan Abdulezer, Howard Dammond, Niklas Zennstrom: Books[/ame]

360 pages!?
I can assist you with the same on Windows but have no idea how to achieve the same in a MAC!

The trick is to edit the config.xml! (Remember to take a backup first, incase something goes wrong)

As soon as you dial a number, your config.xml updates with the LastDialedNumbers2 attribute.

It should be in the following format -


You just edit out the number between & including <_0> to </_0> to remove one particular call! Or everything between <LastDialedNumbers2> & </LastDialedNumbers2> to remove all the calls.

This should make the dialler as good as new :)

Edit - Found the location for config.xml on OSX - It should be in /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Skype/Skypeusername/config.xml

Hope it helps!

1. First of all, Don't hate on Mac alright, its the user not the platform.
2. If its someone I know, tell them that they are a noobasaurus rex.