Fresh from Digg - Kid Colors Dog

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Babies make a better canvas...


Is that a bull terrier?
I'm amazed it didn't just bite the kid's hand off.

ive grown up with bull terriers and pit bulls, they are surpirisingly really good with kids. i think the parents need to be kicked in the head, because who do you think is taking the picture. But the dog seems to be ok with it and if it can handle being maulded by a little kid and just lay there, wow, good dog.
Kicking people in the head for this? The picture was probably taken when parents stumbled on what the kid was doing.. It's also a watermarker that's going to rinse off in 1 wash.. you guys must of had the lamest childhood if you think this is bad.
Yeah people around here are a little backwards sometimes. Putting ink on dogs is appalling but soaking a baby in it is funny.

(I happen to think both are funny)
Yeah well I would have probably taken the picture, kicked the kid in the head, watermarked the image for parenting guide aff link and distributed it.

All kids deserve kick or two.
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