Free Tickets to Rick Latona's T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Auction (If You're in New York)


Gigantic Websites Dot Com
Jul 6, 2007
If you're currently in New York, are interested in buying domains and wanna be present at the live event (you can also bid online but hey, being there would be a cool experience IMO), contact Rick Latona and he will hook you up with a free ticket:

If you are in New York and promise to bid at the auction and don’t have a ticket to the show, don’t worry. I’ll buy you a ticket! Just ask. We’ll make sure you are in the room and have a paddle if you are shopping for a name.
The catalog can be found here (one of those domains,, belongs to yours truly and is priced to sell - I know a lot of you guys are pushing dating offers like there's no tomorrow, so go for it ;)). The auction starts tomorrow at 4:30 PM EST, contact him asap if you want a free ticket.