Free Review Copy Requests - NEED BANNING!!


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I am getting real tired of people coming into threads and requesting FREE Review copies when they clearly DO NOT qualify according to the thread.

I know review copies are needed and I always offer them when I start a new BST thread, but I also clearly state what credentials you must have before you can request one.

I believe the ban hammer should come down on these people who do not even read the thread before requesting Free Review Copies.

Any comments?

open thread
proxy reg friends
post reviews

I pretty much just stay out of bst now, cuz if it's not the known members who are serial reviewers that constantly snag reviews and leave the same bullshit comments, it's this 7 post wonder shit = waste of time and stick with providers I've used in the past/know.

This could be circumvented easily if a vB superadmin would give a mod supermod privileges to create a bst user group, or just asign them to edit/govern a specific user group. Then, as a service provider, you would have to subscribe (doesn't mean pay) or be added to this user group, IF you met the requirements. (rep, join date, posts, etc..)
I'll take a free review.

On a serious note I have brought this to attention a few times and couldn't agree more.

As stated you get the one post wonders, "Can I haz review I am reputed on other forums."

And of course the post padders. I found one individual who I will not name, whose last 150 or so posts all related to free reviews.

Time to drop the axe.

I mean, even the warriors have come up with a rule against it. We are better than this.
I remember when free reviews were an exception to the rule (way before my official join date). Back then, you paid to taste the honeypot. Now, you've got a bunch of dime-store hookers flashing their used and abused goods just to rope in penny-pinching johns.

BST has gone downhill. I feel bad for the providers who don't have a reputation. Talk about fighting an uphill battle.
It is hard to break in without a rep. I'm trying hard and believe that if you provide quality services and a fair price then eventually you will succeed.
I dont see what the problem is. Just tell them no and move on. If they repeatedly harass you, or destroy your sales thread report it to erect or whoever the forum mod is. They'll take care of it.
Is it the review beggars' fault or the providers who oblige them?


I've seen providers give reviews to everyone who asks. In this case, the blame lies with the provider. They should be able to do whatever they think is necessary to build their businesses, even if their efforts are misguided.

I've seen members - established ones - tell providers, "Look, give me a review because that's how it's done around here. You're not gonna get any business unless you give reviews. I want a review." That borders on harassment. In this case, the blame lies with the member.

There will always be whores. Providers should be more discerning, and realize a "review" from a whore means nothing.
People were cool with paying for a discounted review, but a couple things started happening after a few rounds of mass banning:

- Some of those who got banned come back with the same bullshit for 2x their previous prices, but offer 50% discount.

- Then the above mentioned will give "Discounted reviews for the next x members": once this happened, they open another account and do the same thing.

- There have also been some people open accounts, copy/paste someone else's thread and offer reviews for $3, $6, $12, then take the money and run. Since it is just a few bucks, they believe the risk is low enough to avoid getting chased down.

The last one is mainly why the free review thing got started. But the truth is, if someone opens up a sale thread and wants to provide free reviews, they should have done enough research to make a list of 2 or 3 members whose positive review will jump start a thread. And for any particular service, very few of these members have ever asked for a free review copy, but have no problem coming into a thread and giving their opinion when offered.
The last one is mainly why the free review thing got started. But the truth is, if someone opens up a sale thread and wants to provide free reviews, they should have done enough research to make a list of 2 or 3 members whose positive review will jump start a thread. And for any particular service, very few of these members have ever asked for a free review copy, but have no problem coming into a thread and giving their opinion when offered.
