Free Golf Carts?

I give it a week before they adjust the prices to fix this "glitch". Still, if I had the time to go get a loan, I'd definitely give this a look see. I'm in college, so it's be nice to play off the Van Wilder scene, you know.

STFU....I was just making a "Government Stimulus - Free Golf Cart Grant" rebill flog....
Interesting, but seems like it would be more trouble than what it is worth. wut am I going to do with a golf cart?
I had a golf cart growing up as a kid. (Lived on an indian reservation). It was the coolest shit ever and we drove that shit all over that reservation making our own dirt roads through peoples yards. There would be like 10 kids piled on that golf cart and we would fly down the road going 15-20 mph and kids would be falling off the back.

good times...
I had a golf cart growing up as a kid. (Lived on an indian reservation). It was the coolest shit ever and we drove that shit all over that reservation making our own dirt roads through peoples yards. There would be like 10 kids piled on that golf cart and we would fly down the road going 15-20 mph and kids would be falling off the back.

good times...

yea now if you do that the kid goes to juvy and his rents get arrested for some bullshit and he won't get his license till he's 21 etc. to much bullshit now im happy i enjoyed my youth :banana_sml: