free geoparting reports - find your high converting areas b01


New member
Sep 23, 2009
new england
Find where your campaigns have the highest conversion rates, free. Save money and increase your ROI. Help me increase the accuracy of this tool from 85% to 99% by sending your reports, and I'll provide you back a nice looking word document showing you where to and NOT to target. Why don't I just do this myself? I don't use prosper202 anymore. I'm also seeking public feedback to see how much this could actually be used and how much more time to pour into this.

Go to your p202, then visitors, select any filter you want for any time frame and then click download to excel. If you don't want to reveal any sensitive info, take out every column except for the "click real/conversion" and the "ip address" column. For those not using p202, just make a spreadsheet where column g title is "click real/conversion" and each cell under that says either "real" for no sale and "conversion" for a sale, and column H title is "ip address" with each cell under containing each unique IP. In cell a1 list the email address you want your report emailed to.

As of now, I want to test national campaigns. Don't send your state targeted spreadsheet of ip's from Delaware. That's not enough volume.

Send your spreadsheets to and pm me when you've sent. I get a lot of email.