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The Ultimate Member
Aug 21, 2006
Hey guys,

I'm very curious, is it possible to take an existing software, redo all the coding, make some changes & turn it into an open source software? There are 3 softwares I need to "clone", haha.

The reason why I thought about doing such things is because when I buy someone else's software or some script, there are so many restrictions to what I can do with it. Yet I know that many changes can be made to better suit my needs.

Also software & scripts are sold by the "internet pimps", also known as GURUs (GrabURobU), which are easily made but sold at damn crazy prices. I know they are easily made even when I have no programming background.

Example, SpeedPPC cost almost $500 but I saw someone do the same thing & giving it away! How is it possible I can do the same?

By the way, I got my resell licence "revoked", haha, that's funny...

a doctor can diagnose a symptom in 3 seconds flat and charge $400..

its not just about how long it takes to make something, its also the time it takes to learn how to make it

just an opinion
1. How do you know how easily made something is when you can't do it? Do you see a professional athlete hit a ball 400 feet without breaking a sweat and say it's easy? No because you accept that it's taken them years of work and dedication to get to a level where they can do it and make it look easy. It's the same with programming. Coding is rarely non-complex or easy. It's just professional developers have spent a lot of time perfecting their skills.

2. To answer your first question. Yes, but it depends how much you've changed. If you've gotten their software looked at it and reimplemented it using a lot of the same design considerations they use in their code then you can be sued even if the code is different.

3. As for the SpeedPPC question it's about motivation. Some people are motivated by the desire to code in and itself and have other ways to support themselves. Others need to feed themselves with the code they produce.
It's called "Intellectual Property" or, the fruit of your mind and labor. Say you thought of something and went to the trouble and expense to design it, build it and then decided to sell it. Wouldn't you be pissed if someone came along behind you and made essentially the same thing, only decided to give it away or sell it cheaper?

If you find something you like and make SUBSTANTIAL changes or improvements to it, then it can become yours. Those substantial changes involve more than changing the colors and a few cosmetic details. Substantial change would likely be at least 50%+ different... maybe more.

If you find something you like but want it to do more and either modify it yourself or pay someone to do it, then keep it solely for your own personal use, I doubt you'll encounter any problems. If no one ever knows, who'll complain, y'know?

As far as taking a paid for software product and essentially turning it into an open source product, expect to have people looking to see just how large your bank account is and what other assets you may own. It's like having a stranger look down the front of your shorts.
Actually, you can.

OpenOffice is basically MS Office in Open Source.

Just write the software.

What you can not do is actually take their code and just put it free. You have to re-code it.

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