FREAKING .Biz (Ugh) - Help Me Decide...


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
FREAKING EMD .Biz (Ugh) - Help Me Decide...

I really did it this time man...

I have a money site that I put on an EMD .biz, first and last time I will do that. The site is 10 months old, main 2 keywords are 28K and 40K Exact match.

Things it has...

  • $1000 worth of LSI content (50 pages at $20 a pop)
  • Tight and optimized On-page(Tag, meta, avg of 1K words per page)
  • Photos and vids on every page.
  • Atleast $900 worth of backlinking + links from my own network.
  • Tons of prayers on its behalf by me...:bowdown:

Doing all that I can and this thing is getting a stinking 30 hits a day and producing JACK SQUAT, really pissing me off. I've been doing this long enough to get a "feel" for where a sites traffic should be and this is low.

So I'm wondering should I do a total site re-direct to a www.KEYWORD+stopword.COM or just push 8 billion more backlinks at this thing and wait for it to produce???

BTW in it's "honeymoon stage" it sat at positions 10-12 for my main KW for a good month before it dropped.

Am I an idiot for building this on a .biz? What would you do:question4:


Am building a site on .biz and it fucking sucks so far, even though it's exact match. Am going to stick with it and see how things turn out since this isn't really going to be one of my main money sites. You have two options:

Build a shitload of links but risk losing everything
Redirect to and see how it goes, could be shit could be good.

If I was you I would redirect to keyword+stopword then build a shit ton of links. And wow man you spent a shiton of money on content compared to backlinks.
Interesting... I just received an offer this morning on Sedo for an EMD .biz that I barely have any content on.

Was considering blowing it up with links since it's a profitable (yet saturated) niche... Now I'm reconsidering after seeing what you guys have said.

Stupid question for you 1yerrot, but have you run your keywords through SerpIQ? Any feedback on what's holding it back?
I dont buy .biz domains, but i had a client with an e-com with .biz with hyphens that we ranked for some decent product keywords.

Didnt seem much harder than normal to rank, it danced a bit and tanked for nearly a month but then came back and ranked fine.

Thing with e-coms is you tend to have 1000s of longtails for hundreds of pages to work on whilst the main terms are building, so that may have helped compared to a smaller site.
Interesting... I just received an offer this morning on Sedo for an EMD .biz that I barely have any content on.

Was considering blowing it up with links since it's a profitable (yet saturated) niche... Now I'm reconsidering after seeing what you guys have said.

Stupid question for you 1yerrot, but have you run your keywords through SerpIQ? Any feedback on what's holding it back?
Yeah, I ran the keywords through, the top competing sites were like a 65 on avg according to SerpIQ if I remember correctly. Not a piece of cake, but not a monster either. And I red didn't see any other red flags.
And wow man you spent a shiton of money on content compared to backlinks.
Yeah, I figure the more LSI content I have the more long tail traffic I'll get to hold me over until I start ranking first page for my Main KWs, I'm specifically going for the long-tail traffic first.

That's why I'm perplexed about the incredibly low traffic as of right now.
In exactly the same situation as you, just the keywords I'm using have slightly higher searches. Other than that, it's basically exact.

Personally, from watching all the brand new sites pop up in the serps for my keyword, I'd go with
In exactly the same situation as you, just the keywords I'm using have slightly higher searches. Other than that, it's basically exact.

Personally, from watching all the brand new sites pop up in the serps for my keyword, I'd go with
Frustrating as crap, I feel you...
In exactly the same situation as you, just the keywords I'm using have slightly higher searches. Other than that, it's basically exact.

Personally, from watching all the brand new sites pop up in the serps for my keyword, I'd go with
How old is your site?
I really did it this time man...

I have a money site that I put on an EMD .biz, first and last time I will do that. The site is 10 months old, main 2 keywords are 28K and 40K Exact match.

Things it has...

  • $1000 worth of LSI content (50 pages at $20 a pop)
  • Tight and optimized On-page(Tag, meta, avg of 1K words per page)
  • Photos and vids on every page.
  • Atleast $900 worth of backlinking + links from my own network.
  • Tons of prayers on its behalf by me...:bowdown:

Doing all that I can and this thing is getting a stinking 30 hits a day and producing JACK SQUAT, really pissing me off. I've been doing this long enough to get a "feel" for where a sites traffic should be and this is low.

So I'm wondering should I do a total site re-direct to a www.KEYWORD+stopword.COM or just push 8 billion more backlinks at this thing and wait for it to produce???

BTW in it's "honeymoon stage" it sat at positions 10-12 for my main KW for a good month before it dropped.

Am I an idiot for building this on a .biz? What would you do:question4:


Give it time. Send some links to it for a while. Work on other sites, come back to it in a 6-12 months.

Chill bro, have a brew on me. If you really want to dominate the niche now and sink resources into it, develop another site on a .com

I took 'feel' off-brand TLDs like .biz, info etc are likely a minus factor in ranking in highly competitive niches. I mean, no business owner prefers a .biz over a .com, and all things being equal, why should google? The domain can only count as a tiny factor. And you know the weight of factors shifts with time, as well as the factors themselves (your 3 day old link today will be a 12 month old link in a year) So keep the site as is for a while, in the future avoid shit tlds.
Give it time. Send some links to it for a while. Work on other sites, come back to it in a 6-12 months.

Chill bro, have a brew on me. If you really want to dominate the niche now and sink resources into it, develop another site on a .com

I took 'feel' off-brand TLDs like .biz, info etc are likely a minus factor in ranking in highly competitive niches. I mean, no business owner prefers a .biz over a .com, and all things being equal, why should google? The domain can only count as a tiny factor. And you know the weight of factors shifts with time, as well as the factors themselves (your 3 day old link today will be a 12 month old link in a year) So keep the site as is for a while, in the future avoid shit tlds.
Thanks Greenleaves, I got similar advice along those lines the other day as well, I'm going to leave it be for now. I am going to build on that .com as well though. Might as well! :thumbsup:
Thanks Greenleaves, I got similar advice along those lines the other day as well, I'm going to leave it be for now. I am going to build on that .com as well though. Might as well! :thumbsup:

Also, with google's greater focus on CTR/bounce rate, a .biz might not be as trust inspiring for the user as a .com, making the issue not be as much as a the .biz, as the interaction of your users with a .biz :)

Would be interesting to compare the bounce/CTR (as reported by WT, which I know is not really accurate, but whatever, I measure what I can)... and see how that affects your rankings....
Also, with google's greater focus on CTR/bounce rate, a .biz might not be as trust inspiring for the user as a .com, making the issue not be as much as a the .biz, as the interaction of your users with a .biz :)

Would be interesting to compare the bounce/CTR (as reported by WT, which I know is not really accurate, but whatever, I measure what I can)... and see how that affects your rankings....
Yeah that's interesting, I actually just made some changes that have decreased my bounce rate by about 35%, we will see.

i have .infos ranked on hardcore terms top2.
i dont thin its entirely .biz fault. possibly a bit but not fully.
Yeah I've had really good success with .info's as well.