Found my "why"


Feb 27, 2011
Knew the what which is to be filthy stinking rich, but I finally found the why. I saw this earlier and can't stop thinking about it. Some want a lamborghini, some want security-whatever, I want a penthouse here

Had a buddy that bought one of those back in 01 or 02 and said he hated it. He was in his 40's and he said it was nothing but old stuck up assholes on the ship. It sounds like an awesome idea but you are going to be with rich dicks that cant afford a yacht but think they are big shit.
Had a buddy that bought one of those back in 01 or 02 and said he hated it. He was in his 40's and he said it was nothing but old stuck up assholes on the ship. It sounds like an awesome idea but you are going to be with rich dicks that cant afford a yacht but think they are big shit.

I'm sure there would be some people you may not like, but holy shit, the itinerary is unreal. I just can't see a few old wrinkled dickbags killin my juice too much.
I think the 90% of the boat is old wrinkled dickbags but I could be wrong. Not trying to kill your dreams here but i doubt you are in the age demographic to enjoy this boat before it is old news and something better comes along.
LOl, I'll admit the picture in my head was of a different experience.
From what it looks like you wake up every couple days in a new city, get off enjoy the new town for a couple days. Go to sleep, then bam your in a new city again. Wouldn't have to play Bingo every night with these guys or anything. You could just pick up a new broad in every city. Saw somewhere you just need a 5 mil net worth and they go for 650k-a couple milllion. Then 10% for the annual dues. Seems more attainable than buying the whole yacht.
I think my buddy payed a little over 1mil for it and said he would have much rather just used that money to charter a boat a few times a year. Are you really going to live on this boat full time all year? Most people dont, they just fly to a city and meet it and then stay on it for a month or so and then come home for a while. He said at the time there were only a couple of people living on it full time.
I think I'd feel isolated. Rather use the cash to fly from city to city and have a VA book places ahead of time. Get clean clothes every week via Fedex and send the dirty laundry back the same way. Be a true nomad for awhile.
I think I'd feel isolated. Rather use the cash to fly from city to city and have a VA book places ahead of time. Get clean clothes every week via Fedex and send the dirty laundry back the same way. Be a true nomad for awhile.

Via fedex? Shit, just buy local then give (or throw) them away when you're done. OR you can get a laundry to wash them but I've found locals get ripped off - I got screwed in Rio.
I've been following the world since 2006. I've got some older itineraries, they even sent me a prospectus packet... Really tempting shit. Ask for one and they'll go out of their way to send you any info you want.

There are competitors now, too. the world is Norweigian, and I believe the newer one (whose name escapes me at the moment) is American. It looks nicer and has a huge observatory on the top deck instead of a golf green... I'll post it's name when I can remember it.

I'd love to live on either and live that life, but I can't see it happening with less than $10 Million in liquid cash lying around. Even then it'd be such a major lifestyle change that I'm not sure my wife could handle it. -But I'm damn well going to try. ;)
Spent my honeymoon on this ship, sure there are some old crusty-folk on it, but there are a lot of husslers too (mostly older than the crowd here though). Waking up in a new cool port every few days, having all your stuff in your own place onboard, and and seeing more of the world in a few months then 99% of the population sees in their entire lives is a pretty cool concept
Not sure if I'd do it full time but I like cruises. Not having to haul your shit around in every city is liberating. Why not just a regular cruiseship/package than this 650k stuff? I went on a "far east" cruise last month and it was just about $2000 for a week. The clean air is the best part. Internet sucks though...