

New member
Sep 9, 2011
A few years back - when I was really, REALLY a newbie (ha!) I tried to run a forum format on my website. I was excited at first but it was such a drag to keep up with the spammers, the questions/comments that weren't appropriate for the site, the slow/no participation etc. I kinda would like to do a forum again but 1) for those that have forums, do you see any real noticeable benefit in ranking from having a forum? 2)Is it worth the effort to get one going (and KEEP it going)?

1) I haven't seen a noticeable benefit, but that doesn't mean much. I've now abandoned my forums.
2) My experience matches yours. The labor is high, the return not great.

The real challenge is to reach critical mass, so the forum has a good following of regulars. This is not an easy task.. If the paypack was there, you could outsource the spam-control/approval functions..

Allowing titty posts might help, but many topics are not compatible with that.
Yeah, what you're saying is kind of what I'm thinking is probably the same for most forum owners. It's a really nice concept, and I would really like to have a place for people who are interested in the topic to come and share but it seems to be such a drag to get it going and keep it going.
You are right, forum demands more labour and gives you less return... But , I have seen many webmasters who are making huge money from their forums.

I would advise you to start an interactive FAQ section on your website... Where people could come in and ask their queries. Answer their queries genuinely keeping promotion part aside...

If you feel your FAQ section is getting good response and gaining popularity, you can transform it into forum.
C.Rebecca this is a good idea! I was thinking, 'well, I use a blog format with comments enabled so maybe THAT'S community enough for the readers.' But I never thought about a FAQ question and answer format. I might still forgo the forum and just 'keep' it as a FAQ area and let the more 'seasoned' readers answer the questions of others - but then I'm getting back to forum style... aren't I?
I know some people who focus entirely on their forums and make money that way (through ads, obviously). Because they didn't have to split their time between a site and the forum they could dedicate a lot of manpower to maintaining it.
This had gone through my mind as well UniqueViews. If all I had was a forum for this particular topic, that might warrant me spending all my time on keeping it up. I may experiment with another area and make it a 'forum only' endeavor.