Forum Posting for Gaming Forums?


Aug 23, 2006
East Coast
Won't share the links here (don't want to be spammy) but I'm looking for some forum posters to jumpstart a couple new gaming-related forums I have. Already contacted Jacky8 (as recommended by Berto) but seeing as how 80% of WFers are probably gamers, I thought I'd toss out the bait in a bigger body of water. Maybe someone random loves gaming and could use the extra loot?

Let me know if either:
  1. You've got someone to recommend, or
  2. You're interested in this yourself

You can hit me up via PM and leave your contact info (skype, aim, e-mail, etc...) Give me some sorta idea why you wouldn't suck at this.

MODS: I debated buying a BST thread but this seemed a bit more general. If it's required, ping me, and I'll happily get that done.

As just discussed, I'm not the man for you :) I used to do bulk posts just for links. Sorry!
Thanks for the update, Jacky8! So yeah...

CLARIFICATION: I'm looking for real content from real users to help gain momentum/traction for my own sites. So nothing automated. I assumed it'd be easier to find willing participants for a "gaming forum" since it wouldn't take much research to participate for many people could be a little fun.