Forget All that Shit and Just Play

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New member
Jan 7, 2007
Master your instrument, master the music, then forget all that shit and just play.

- Charlie Parker -

I read that in a book and it was one of the first times I read a quote and realized how directly it implied to me. It's a perfect summation on how to "just fucking do it."

The number one obstacle keeping people from making money on here is wasted time. Too much time reading forums. Too much time reading blogs. Too much time on IRC, checking email, checking facebook, PLANNING and not DOING.....the list never ends.

There's only so much you can learn from reading forums and blogs. And there's only so much money you can make from reading forums and blogs: none. There comes a point where you have to realize that you've got the basics figured out, and you've learned enough not to lose a ton of money in your first week.

Once you reach that point, the only way to really keep learning is to GO OUT AND DO IT. Don't be afraid to take risks, and definitely don't be afraid to SPEND MONEY.

Doing PPC? Pick a niche. Find some keywords. Don't spend more than an hour or two on the initial setup. Just get that campaign up and running. Realize that you aren't going to make shit if you spend $20 a day. Set a low budget until you get it tweaked so that you're confident you'll make a profit, no matter how little. Then send that budget through the fucking roof! If you aren't spending $100/day you aren't going to be seeing much money coming in.

Working on a blackhat system? Quit planning the fucking thing, and start programming. And for the love of god, spend the $150 bucks on a dedicated server. You'll make it back.

Basically what I'm trying to say: quit reading forums, blogs, chatting on IRC, and go make some fuckin bank.

I see you're in teh same boat I am today! The difference is you actually got your motor started!
Too much time reading blogs? check
Hanging around forums? check
Planning and not doing? Check

I don't see anything wrong here....
Working on it bro.... just running into some walls right now.

Question tho, and this go's for all the guru's here -

I've got a landing page, with some affiliate links on it. I want to spend some money on PPC to get the traffic there, and god willing, make some money. (if this is the wrong way to go about it, stop me now)

Anyways, when spending money on keywords, trying to find something that works, about how much of a daily budget do you set for this 'testing' phase, before you throw the whole checkbook at it?
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