Hi Guys
i have a few websites to sell to to a huge bill to fix
these sites are not the cheap ones, so it is more for people already make good money that need some PR juice
some have adsense earnings, not a lot, i am not an adsense lover
in fact it will be hard for me to tell you exactly how much profits the website had generated, i'll explain if you are interrested
one of the site generate anything from 100-200 a month, again you need the details
i don't want to have the links posted here, as the future owner don't want a backlink from wickedfire forum
so if you need some good website to start, just pm me and i'll send you a first information with the BIN prices
the payment methods i accept, are PLIMUS and Escrow services: moniker or escrow.com; or any other professional escrow service
I will provide some free service as a bonus, as i negelected these website these last month, this will give you more traffic and value for the money
The bonus depedn on the value of the deal
if you are interrested just PM me and i'll send you the infos
note: i sell these website on others marketplace, and ususally i sell my websites really fast.
on your mark, get set, PM ME
ps:boobs lover check below
i have a few websites to sell to to a huge bill to fix
these sites are not the cheap ones, so it is more for people already make good money that need some PR juice
some have adsense earnings, not a lot, i am not an adsense lover
in fact it will be hard for me to tell you exactly how much profits the website had generated, i'll explain if you are interrested
one of the site generate anything from 100-200 a month, again you need the details
i don't want to have the links posted here, as the future owner don't want a backlink from wickedfire forum
so if you need some good website to start, just pm me and i'll send you a first information with the BIN prices
the payment methods i accept, are PLIMUS and Escrow services: moniker or escrow.com; or any other professional escrow service
I will provide some free service as a bonus, as i negelected these website these last month, this will give you more traffic and value for the money
The bonus depedn on the value of the deal
if you are interrested just PM me and i'll send you the infos
note: i sell these website on others marketplace, and ususally i sell my websites really fast.
on your mark, get set, PM ME
ps:boobs lover check below