Foreclose on the Bank

Another guy went down this route about a year ago I think and a link was posted here but this is a different story. Regardless, fucking awesome to see bank of america get a taste of their own medicine and a kick in the PR nuts.
Was that the homeowner they interviewed (That said "as a forclosure attorney this is sweet justice") or was it just his attorney?

Also, could you imagine being the cops going in and start picking up computers and wads of cash? Oh man that would have been wicked fun... Legal bank robbing.
I work at a bank and it would just make my day if someone walked into my office and told me to cough up my desk....hate my job...this would be titties...
This was the best fucking part of the whole thing:

After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager handed the attorney a check for the legal fees.

They assume that you'll just bend over and take it. It's great to see bully's like this get embarrassed and taken to the cleaners.