Forbidden Knowledge - Truth About Slavery


Membership Suspended
Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
As I've touched the topic of slavery in other thread I've decided to post some related material here.

Here's a good video on slavery which pretty much summaries what I wanted to post here:


I know many people dislike Molyneux but I think his videos are quite well researched and can push you towards bigger things, articles and so on.

So, why do we talk only about black slavery then?

I listened to two minutes of a retard saying retarded shit.

I mean, it is one stupid line after another. I mean, the whole video starts off with stupid line after stupid line with no break for anything other than retardation:

"We really don't understand the history of slavery"

Err, we do.

"We can't understand it's causes"

Err, we can.
I listened to two minutes of a retard saying retarded shit.

I mean, it is one stupid line after another. I mean, the whole video starts off with stupid line after stupid line with no break for anything other than retardation:

"We really don't understand the history of slavery"

Err, we do.

"We can't understand it's causes"

Err, we can.

I guess if he said "we fully understand history of slavery" you would come here, watch 2-3 minutes and then ask why guy did the video if we already know everything about slavery.

Bad times recently, Green?
I watched the first 20 minutes...He seems to feel the need to defend Europeans and Americans from the whole slave issue, I'm guessing her went somewhere to get a burger and some nigger poped up saying he's a cracker and slave owning piece of shit. Thus he decided to make this video.

Shit happened, obviously people fuck other people over in the name of advancement. I personally wouldn't want to be a part of such act, but shouldn't be held accountable if some other douche that is a part of my klan is doing so.
I'm guessing her went somewhere to get a burger and some nigger poped up saying he's a cracker and slave owning piece of shit. Thus he decided to make this video.
If that's not a great reason to make a video then I don't know what is.