Forbes Article on the Affiliate Tax

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New member
Aug 13, 2008
Picked up the latest issue of Forbes and what do I see...

An article about Affiliates and the tax that has been passed in NY (and soon CA).

Can't find a link online, but if you are interested:

Lee Gomes
"Affiliated With Taxes"
Forbes Special Issue (Investment Guide)

"To avoid the tax, affiliate programs have started kicking out affiliates who live in New York. Otherwise, the merchant will have to charge sales tax on those orders. Affiliates are outraged, and so are many of the merchants they promote."

so...what is one supposed to do that lives in NY??
"To avoid the tax, affiliate programs have started kicking out affiliates who live in New York. Otherwise, the merchant will have to charge sales tax on those orders. Affiliates are outraged, and so are many of the merchants they promote."

so...what is one supposed to do that lives in NY??

Move. There are House and Senate Bills right now in NC to do the same thing. If they pass I will seriously be considering a move. I am not going to pay sales tax on my revenue. Imagine running big buys on 10-20% margin then having to fork over 4-8% in taxes. F that
Move. There are House and Senate Bills right now in NC to do the same thing. If they pass I will seriously be considering a move. I am not going to pay sales tax on my revenue. Imagine running big buys on 10-20% margin then having to fork over 4-8% in taxes. F that

Damn. I had no idea ot was coming to NC too.
Looks like I will be moving as well.
they should make it illegal for US networks to sign on foreign affiliates while they're at it.
So this is a sales tax only if the affiliate lives within that particular state? I live overseas, so I can assume this won't affect me even if all 50 states adopt similar laws?
This makes no sense. State sales tax is paid by the buyer and collected by the seller. Where does the location of an affiliate's business come into play? Did I miss something?
They are trying to pass this tax bill in CT too. They had a vote and was something like 55 in favor and 0 against and now it is going to the next level. Looks like it is time to move.
This is kind of scary.. with those kind of majority votes, it won't be long before the entire nation is effected.. guess it's time to move to canada ehhh?
Move. There are House and Senate Bills right now in NC to do the same thing. If they pass I will seriously be considering a move. I am not going to pay sales tax on my revenue. Imagine running big buys on 10-20% margin then having to fork over 4-8% in taxes. F that

It's in committee since March right now. I moved my biz across the state line last week.

once it passes they sure give you a hell of a lot of time:

this act becomes effective January 1, 2010, and applies to sales made on or after that date.
Cant you just form an LLC in like Delaware or a safe state and claim you're doing business there IF you have your hosting there and maybe a virtual office for $100 a month? There has to be a workaround.
Cant you just form an LLC in like Delaware or a safe state and claim you're doing business there IF you have your hosting there and maybe a virtual office for $100 a month? There has to be a workaround.

You'd still have to pay tax where you're a resident.. ?
It is kind of like the amazon tax law that was put into affect in NY. They started taxing everything internet wise there and all it did was make the corporations move to Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
An interesting take on how you, as an affiliate marketer or online retailer, are causing your local parks to become overgrown with weeds and your friendly neighborhood book retailer to be driven out of business.

You're all a bunch of bastards.
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