For the life of me i can't fix this fucking header


On My Path To Mastery
Dec 7, 2008
los angeles
I don't know how i ended up with a fucked up header but I saw it on Internet explorer and it has an extra break that looks horrible. I have racked my brain for literally two days now and have not been able to find the solution for this. i figured this should be an easy fix for a code expert.

This is the page:

And I think the css part that's fucked up is in this file:

specially the parts
#rightquote p.rightQuotewording

That's my guess because when I change those around the header will move but i can't get it right. I really don't have any idea how to fix it though so any help is appreciated.


i don't feel like look through all that code, but if you want to pull off 3 columns like that in IE

<div id="header">
<div id="box1">
<div id="box1Left">
Text on the Left
<div id="box1Center">
Text in center
</div> // end left 2 of 3
<div id="box2">
shit on the right
<br clear="all" /> or <div class="clearit">
</div> // end header

box1 = float:left
box1Left = float left
box1Center = float right
box2 = float right

clearit = clear:both;

make sure your widths aren't fucked up either knocking the one down.
and remember that IE renders width + margins/padding as the sum of the two, so you get extra widths that push the rightmost box below

you always need an outer and an inner div when you want to specify both widths and margins/padding

PS: no, I didn't have a look at your code, so if it isn't the case just ignore this message