for fcuk sake wickedfire

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Jul 6, 2007
At my desk!
im pissed off with trawling the internet for inbound fucking links.
im sick to death of reading jackass, so called (fucking quotes) experts (unfucking quote) telling me how to do my job...
i cant be arsed to get outa fucking bed in the morning, just to go online, do my job, and fill somebody elses fucking pocket.
"ooooh get inbound links" "ooooh get inbound links".. oh yeah... i cant be arsed to get outa bed in the morning,but you expect me to trawl my ass around the internet all day looking for inbound links... fuck dat fella, im going a different direction... i wanna sit on my arse all day and let the links come to me...

your expecting a sales pitch now aint ya?


I just cant be fucking arsed...

im sick of it.. i really am... go to this forum, go to that forum.. get a link here, get a link there, please sir, please sir, can i have a link off your website please.. :anon.sml:


heres what ill do... ill make a bigger website than yours, then you can bitch to me about wanting a link....

so.. right then.. i need to know about seo... woooo seo:eek:

you need links here,
you need links there
you need this text here
you need this text there
do this
dont do that
google dances
no it dont
microsoft sucks
yes it does
yes it does
go semantic
go fucking nuts
its all about long tails
get lots of keywords
submit to search engines
not too often
http headers
primary keywords
secondary keywords
key phrases
blah de blah de blah

i could go on and on but i wont because its beginning to sound like a resume

anyway...after all this shit... i get to thinking theres got to be an easier way....

to cut a very long, long story short , after visiting many many other forums i stumbled upon wickedfire via bluehatseo (eli plug "pretty please get the quit tool fixed :bowdown: ") and i thought here was a place i could express myself...



here is the point of this post

Dear Wickedfire:bigear:
I realise now that i have to work my ass off every day to survive online
Ive payed my dues.. ten fucking years worth, and im still surviving
ive trawled all the forums and so called good advice hotspots
ive spent many sleepness nights trying to figure out regular expression and oop.. (ill rant about oop later)
for fuck sake i know how to behave on a forum

can you please, please allow my posts to show immediately or at least approve them in a timely manner.. its a real pain in the fucking ass when you think of something to say but your scared in case somebody else says it first and you look a complete ass..

i think im on about my 17th post now and im still getting that lame ass message that an administrator has to check my post...

its driving me fuckin nuts:rolleyes:

Yours sincerely:D


can you please, please allow my posts to show immediately or at least approve them in a timely manner.. its a real pain in the fucking ass when you think of something to say but your scared in case somebody else says it first and you look a complete ass..

i think im on about my 17th post now and im still getting that lame ass message that an administrator has to check my post...

its driving me fuckin nuts:rolleyes:

Yours sincerely:D


Well, thank you for asking so politely. Here's the answer: No. You are no more special than "Joe n00bie". Unfortunately, due to spammers (fuckers ruin it for everyone) we have to moderate the hell out of comments from users with low post counts, and that includes you.

We get to them as soon as possible, however, we can't be arsed to single one person out and ensure that one person gets their shit moderated in a "reasonable" timeframe.

Sorry, we just can't be arsed.

Welcome to Wickedfire. Now deal with it.
lol. nice rant. annoying isn't it, being pre-moderated.
cheers to the mod who approved me after my post.

ye'll have everyone new making posts like this soon lol
What's your problem, you are here to learn of you don't know and ask advice from the experts... What are the purpose of your commenting here?
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