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Gimmie My Bread.
Jan 6, 2007
Ok. I've been sitting in my office since 7am and so far I've done nothing constructive. Cot dang Mondays...

Time to focus. Grrrrr...


wanna get shit done?

read Eat the Frog - Brian Tracy. Great book, quick read, may change your life you stupid procrastinating piece of shit.
lol i was being a bit too mean, but good job on grabbing the book. One thing that book doesnt stress is removing distractions. So if you have firefox, install Leechblock plugin and block all the sites that only waste your time. Even if its only for an hour at a time... just get in the habit of working nonstop on something
^ yep, removing distractions is key. i've been a fan of blocking sites via the hosts file.

also, to survey where your time actually goes - i strongly recommend Rescuetime. it was a huge eye-opener.
Buy a kitchen timer
Start with setting it for 15 minutes
Stay in one place and work until you hear the buzzer
Take a quick break

Once you become a little comfortable focusing for that amount of time start increasing the time to strengthen your focus "muscles"

Don't give can dooooooo it! :)
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