FML Client Work


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Deerfield Beach, FL
I just had a client build a keyword tracker. He is watching all of the keywords I am building links to himself, and sends me daily panic emails about the keywords that go down in the rankings day to day...


On another note (sort of the same note), PM me if you have any quality migraine/health related links or blogs you could offer me...

manage expectations better next time. Under promise, over deliver - especially if you've got some annoying putz of a client with a SERP tracker
Under promise, over deliver

I agree with this.

Clients can be a serious pain...sometimes its easier to deal with dumb clients then ones that have a little knowledge because the ones that have a bit of knowledge usually think they know everything..
I just had a client build a keyword tracker. He is watching all of the keywords I am building links to himself, and sends me daily panic emails about the keywords that go down in the rankings day to day...


On another note (sort of the same note), PM me if you have any quality migraine/health related links or blogs you could offer me...

I would seriously drop a client at this point, unless it's a very large client (which I highly doubt due to the fact that they have time to sit, analyze, and oversee jobs that they've hired an outside company to do).

That would just drive me up a fucking wall.
A few years ago I built ONE site for someone, and I still get weekly emails which always contain NEED ASAP

Fuck that
On another note (sort of the same note), PM me if you have any quality migraine/health related links or blogs you could offer me...

This could be very DP buuuuut, i think a link exchange/sales forum would be excellent on WF. Esp given the much higher quality of site(s) most people would have here.
You need to get him under control. Have a meeting with him, and tell him that rankings vary hugely over a month. Tell him that you don't think SEO is the right strategy for him.

When he asks "Why", tell him because it's for producing a good ROI over the long term. If he's obsessed with week to week, he'd better go PPC instead.

He'll fight you and say "but i don't want to do PPC, I want SEO". Then tell him - well you need to stick to monthly reviews, not frickin' daily.

Show him some evidence (someone authoritative on a blog or something). Then agree review dates.
This could be very DP buuuuut, i think a link exchange/sales forum would be excellent on WF. Esp given the much higher quality of site(s) most people would have here.

I've been wishing for something like this lately
You need to get him under control. Have a meeting with him, and tell him that rankings vary hugely over a month. Tell him that you don't think SEO is the right strategy for him.

When he asks "Why", tell him because it's for producing a good ROI over the long term. If he's obsessed with week to week, he'd better go PPC instead.

He'll fight you and say "but i don't want to do PPC, I want SEO". Then tell him - well you need to stick to monthly reviews, not frickin' daily.

Show him some evidence (someone authoritative on a blog or something). Then agree review dates.


And, you could also put him on a "tech support plan" ... up to 5 e-mails and brief phone conversations included per month ... more than that is $25 per e-mail or brief phone conversation. Extended phone conversations (longer than 5 minutes) get charged at the hourly rate of $250.

There's no reason for you to be providing so much of your time for free. You could also do like Skype does and apply a "fair use" policy to your support.
Thats a reason why I never design websites for small business owners, they are cheap and want flash on there site all the time. My barber been trying to get me to make them a website and SEO it, but when it comes time to discuss money they just say he will introduce me to other cheap business owners for more business.

I actually like to do SEO work for people, but you have to educate them immensely.

Did two sites for restaurants last year, the website work was nice, but the SEO questions / expectations I am getting now...

"Can we rank #1 for restaurant [city]" - err.... this is a 1million+ city, and we got tons of restaurant review sites...

"Can we rank #1 for [general dish name]" - err....


Originally Posted by CerIs
This could be very DP buuuuut, i think a link exchange/sales forum would be excellent on WF. Esp given the much higher quality of site(s) most people would have here.

I've been wishing for something like this lately

hmm is this thread hi-jackable to make it happen? Is that a word?
I have horror stories having dealt with 1400 / 1500+ design clients. It's why I really want out of it all together. I love my course site, nothing beats recurring passive income. Just a matter of building a member base large enough to create enough monthly income; that's almost my sole focus this year.
Here dude, from now on, every single client you get, use this just reword it and make sure they sign: If you want the formatted word.doc grab it here >> and change it up to suit your needs.

When I used to do servicing this was one of my main focus points, not to have leftovers or to be paid for them and make sure the client knows in advance. Filter clients just as much as they filter you (i left servicing going on 4 years ago now, feels fucking great, never going back).

Rewrite/reword to your needs, save time and hassle from the get go with ungreatful clients or scare them away on purpose so you can focus on attracting good ones... sorry so long and colors... was hard to UNformat. Also note all the points where I mention fee's are involved for versioning asset delivery to prolonging studio use, revisions, extensions, delays, all costing the client, not me.

Sales Page Sizzler - Submission Form
(if you haven’t ordered yet, please order here>)

Congratulations on your recent Sales Page Sizzler order!

In order to serve you promptly: Please make sure you fill out the form below to the absolute BEST of your abilities. If there are questions left unanswered, or not answered well, there is a greater chance for confusion, delay, and revisions costing us BOTH time and money. REMEMBER: The more time you spend getting your vision/idea across to us, the better your end product will look!

All Balances Must Be Cleared Prior To Starting ANY Work – WE NEVER DO SPEC WORK
Let’s Get Started~!
First: Do a ‘Save As’ Now: So you always have a backup…

Please Go To ‘File > Save As’ and save this file as ‘sizzler-YourProjectName’. So if your project is called ‘elite’, you will save this file as ‘sizzler-elite.doc’

Fill In The Blanks Below > [answer]
The Date You Ordered.... [ ]
Example: 11/25/2009

Your Invoice ID #
………… [ ]

Example: ‘FJDSKLJGKDSJk45372847’
(found in the PayPal email invoice we just sent you after you paid, you NEED this to verify your order)
Your Current Website:.. [ ]If you don’t have one, leave it blank.

Your Email Address:…. [ ]
The same one you just ordered with: We will be emailing your files here

Did You Order Static Or Flash? (Please don’t lie, we’ll know)
Simply put an X inside the correct box – We have your order on record however this will help us simply speed up the initial process:

Static Package ($997)…. [ ]

Flash Package ($1,799)[ ]

Tell Us About Your Product/Service/Idea:
(Please be detailed)
What is your product/service/event name, what is the main function?
[ ]

List all the features and benefits of your product/service/event:
What problems does it solve? Why do people need it? Why should I buy it?
[ ]

List as many competitors websites/brands as you can (at least 5)
If you know of a few websites that are in your niche, please post the successful ones.
[ ]

What separates you from your competitors? (at least 5 things)
Is your product more cost effective? Does it do a better job? Is it more advanced?
[ ]

What does your customer get when they pay? Is there a refund policy?
Simply outline FINAL DELIVERABLES. i.e. ‘2 ebooks in pdf format, 4 audio guide mp3’s and 3 videos as .wmv. This is IMPORTANT for us. If there is a refund/guarantee (i.e. 60 days 100% refund..) please specify.
[ ]

What are your slogans, tag-lines, mission statements, key word phrases etc?
Got Milk? It does a body good! There’s a little McDonald’s in everyone… We need to know what your most important statements are, and any slogans/taglines you might have come up with. Also please put at least 10 (ten) key word phrases (these are phrases people would type into search engines like Google in order to find your products or service).
[ ]

How do you want your campaign setup – aggressive or passive?
We play on the human sense a lot, so we can instill humor, excitement, fear, happiness, anger suspense, etc. into our branding. What type of approach would you like us to take? (If you’re unsure just put “WISIWIG” – which means ‘What I See Is What I Get’ << No revision work at all to creative if it’s not what you ‘hoped’).
[ ]

Who is your demographic?

Age, gender, lifestyle, spending habits, locations/regions (describe your most probable customers), etc.
[ ]

Things to prepare for us (If available)

We strive to bring continuity into our branding treatments, so if you have assets that you would like us to incorporate, please .zip them all, and deliver them with your submission as an attachment.

Please Note:
We only accept assets once, there will be a $50 fee for each versioning of deliverables (meaning, do not send us a logo today, a picture tomorrow, some text the next day, some more stuff the next ((that’s an extra $200 in 4 days right there)).

Only submit your assets ONCE
, if you have to wait until you’re ready with all of them, please do so, this will save us both time and headaches.

If you are submitting any assets you currently have, please make sure you have the original layered format. We cannot take small jpgs/gif’s/logo’s and make them large with cool effects – we need the full photoshop or illustrator vector files.
Stock photos, banners, interfaces, or any other assets that you might be submitting must be in either .psd, .ill, or if they are very HIGH RES and good quality, a .jpeg will do (for things like stock photos, textures, etc.).
If you do not have ANY branding at all yet, not even a logo, then that will be even better for us (So we can literally structure your style guide from scratch – ensuring a positive foundation & long life-cycle via branding that works from day one).
Though this package does NOT come with a full logo package, we ARE giving you a small treatment anyway, and if you like it, you are free to use it on your other assets free of charge, however we will not be doing revisions on it (WYSIWYG – what you see is what you get).

Ready To Submit This?
Once you are done filling out the form above (WITH DETAIL!), and you have gathered all (ALLLL) your assets if you have any…:
Please save this file and send it with your attachments to ....

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What happens next?
As soon as we receive this submission, we review it and send you a confirmation email stating that we’ve started your project. Please make sure you correspond to our emails in a timely manner should there be a need to contact you during our development stage.

*Liability Clause: It is unfortunate but this does happen almost everyday. Designers and agencies steal copyrighted information such as themes, graphics, pictures, logo’s and text from others and put them in their clients marketing assets. This makes the business owner liable for copyright infringement due to their designers or agencies, often without a clue as to what just happened.

We NEVER use templates or infringe on copyright information. As immoral and illegal as it is, we simply dislike not being able to call something our own. NC Media guarantees that any pixel delivered to you made in our studios is cleared and royalty free from stock photo’s, to logo ideas, to fonts etc. NC Media has never had any problems with their presentations re liability and or any kind of infringement issues/litigations; we plan on keeping it that way.

Project completion will be based on creative output by BRAND CHOPPERS. Your order also comes with the following:

· Any output files for use with the internet on MOST platforms and browsers.
· All source files (Photoshop/Flash/interface/everything).

Timeline: Total of 1-2 weeks from receiving approval & assets/content.
- During the evaluation / review process shortly after, we will need to receive any and all changes quickly to finish within a respectfully specified timeframe/date. Revisions will be minimal, and you will have the layered files to continue tweaking without big costs.
- Although this timeline specifies 1-2 weeks, we may be able to fast-track this to a 4-5 day turnaround with no extra charge. On the other hand, please remember that MAJOR alterations, revisions or delays with assets can push this past our deadline.

Should the project exceed any extra time required, you will be billed an hourly rate until the project is complete *We are the designers, we know what works, please get a refund now if you are looking for endless revisions until YOU think it looks or feels right. After all, we have built up a reputable name for a reason – and we will not stray far from our signature style nor can we prolong projects as our studio time is as valuable as your time.

The Invoice You Just Received In Your Email Is Your Official Invoice.
However here is a recap of deliverables for your package:

Custom header treatment:We inspect your project, we inspect competitors, we strategically set a custom sales journey and branding sequence for your customers eyes to focus on the most important and engaging aspects first. This translates into MEGA interest right away, ensuring your reader stays on the page and takes in the content.

Custom Background:To follow suit with your branding, we extend our treatments to take advantage of the virtual real estate behind the actual content. It may seem trivial, however the right combination of light toned treatments set’s off the right triggers to get your reader into a buying mood. We take everything into consideration from color palettes knows to work best for sales, to textures, to stock photos, to FX, to overall appeal

Software Box/Ebook + CD DISC graphics:This is what our studio is known for making most – out of this world realistic tier-1 style packaging. We ‘NAIL IT’ every time, mainly because the team has well over 25-30 years combined experience, and because we all still love what we do. So you’re going to get a large layered version of each asset, as well as a combined shot so they are displayed as a collection (both above the fold, and in your content area).

6 (six) Static Banners:This package comes with a ready to go set of .jpg banners (NOT ANIMATED). All sized at the most popular sizes accepted in today’s networks. These will have continuity in design and branding, taken from your sales page and initial treatment.

Buy Now Area:After 600-700 clients, and a large in-house product line up, we’ve done a LOT of testing in regards to what works best for conversions. We’ll give you a few top level ‘Buy Now’ buttons which will also have a continuity in branding, and have a ‘secure’ polished/safe feel. We combine the best of the Belcher Button tactics and throw in a spice of your branding to ensure continuity and a focus on conversions.

HTML Template and SEO + Basic CSS:Once we’re done creating your assets, we compile everything for you nicely onto a simply HTML template. Once the template is in place, we implement commonly used smart SEO tactics to help you kick start your SEO efforts, and we attach a basic style sheet in order to ease your copywriting & formatting.

PLEASE READ-IMPORTANT! ONE REVISION:By far any designers most heated part of development is the revision process. Especially if the revision is due to poor communication upfront, poor detail in this submission document, or uncertainty of what a client wants. There should be NO revision work if the client produces a detailed submission form, and is clear with what they need.
If there is a need, we will render 1 (ONE) round of revision work. This means: We deliver your assets, you notice something(s) you want changed or edited, we edit, and deliver again – the project is then considered closed. Extra revisions past this point will be billed at $90/hour up to $120/hour for complex work or extensive overhauls.

Unadvertised Perk:With all of our projects for first time clients, we always throw in a freebie, extra asset, surprise bonus etc. to make sure we over-deliver. Come to think of it, we usually do it with every order not just first time clients…

Ready to Submit?
Once you are done filling out the form above (WITH DETAIL!), and you have gathered all (ALLLL) your assets if you have any…:
Please save this file and send it with your attachments to **
**If there is a need - checks can also be made payable to: NC Media and mailed to


**Wire transfer is also available for larger amounts.

Once again, thank you kindly for your order; we can’t wait to show you what we’re made of here at **! In one or two weeks from submitting this, you’re going to be getting a signature styled conversion mastered - masterpiece!

Quotes To Live By:
“Good Things Come To Those Who Wait - Great Things Happen In An INSTANT”!

Make the Most of Your Day
contract seo work is all about educating the client as to why checking rankings hourly is not the right thing to do, and all the other goodies. manage expectations, manage expectations, manage....expectations