Flux Ad Affiliate URL and SubID


New member
Apr 15, 2010
This is my first attempt at PPC. I've made an account on Tracking202 and have watched all the tutorial videos. Unfortunately, I'm still a little confused.

On Flux Ads, after selecting a campaign, I am not given an affiliate URL similar to what was shown in the Tracking202 tutorial videos. I am given a list of "creatives" most of which are banners. The only two options that are not banners are listed as "Contextual Creative" (which I'm imagining is for linking within an article or the like) and "This is a text ad to use in email or plain text advertising areas, just cut and paste the text and use the URL provided below as a link."

I'm guessing the latter is what I want to use, but would like verification. If I select the latter option, I'm given the following url ("websitename" being the offer advertiser; I am not given a link such as http://123.fluxads.com/z/2038/CD3712/inserthere as the Tracking202 tutorial suggests):


I'm also given the option to add subids. If I add one named "test", the link switches to:


I would then use this URL as my Destination URL in my ad and also as the Affiliate URL in Tracking202. Is this correct?

Thanks for the help!

I believe so, I am a little confused with that as well, however when your throwing in your aff link into tracking 202 make sure you are ending it properly so tracking202 can add a subid and do the actually tracking, other wise the link wont work. And as always test your links before they go live.