Fleshlight no longer allows affiliates to bid on "Fleshlight"

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New member
Oct 8, 2006
Way for them to ride the gravy train all the way up to brand recognition then barring their affiliates (the reason for their success) from using the very brand name that they helped create.

I bet the fleshlight keyword will drop to .05 now....for fleshlight anyways.

Hello Everyone,

I would just like to remind everyone that as per our service agreement,
terms and conditions, terms of service (whichever you choose to call
it) that we do not allow trademark bidding.

Please refer to Section 2 Articles 5 and 7:

5. We also prohibit the use of keywords, search terms, and domain
names that contain any variations of our Trademarks, such as
"Fleshlight,” for use in search engines, portals, sponsored advertising services,
or other search and referral services. If you send visitors from any
site we consider an unacceptable traffic source, your account may be
cancelled, and any monies owed to you will be forfeited.

7. You will not redirect traffic to our site where the URL remains in
the address when a customer attempts to bookmark, what appears to be,
our site.

Please cease all trademark bidding within the next 48 hours or we will
be forced to remove you from the Fleshlight Affiliate Program.

Thank You For Your Compliance,

The Fleshlight Team
I can see barring competition from using the trademarked term...but to prevent affiliates is just grimey.

Heres the kicker. They say they don't care if you use it in domain names or on your web pages promoting fleshlight...but their TOS clearly says that that's not allowed either.

So what is the real demographic of who would buy these rubber stump humpers
This is common practice for many advertisers. They want the term to themselves and not have to unnecessarily compete for the same ad space with their own affiliates.
Funny thing is, they NEVER allowed that. This is not a new development.
At least half a year ago (when I had that brilliant idea to drive traffic via PPC) that was already in their TOS.

Yeah, being able to read is an advantage.

It's really a bit dumb, since it wasn't always in their TOS and loads of people hugged domains with this term for a long time.
Brand names are the best converting terms.
Brand names are the lowest price terms.

Companies invested millions (or billions) building out a brand name.

Sure they are going to have a problem with you leveraging their investment for your own personal gain. You did nothing to alert the user to the brand, you did not spend money on PR or radio ads or customer service.

All you did was point them in the direction of something that they were already looking for and for which they were going to find without your interference.

You added no value and should get paid accordingly.
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Bid on fleshlight and bring the traffic to their competitors product.
OK, so who is their competitor?
Do they have one that pays as well?

I have been forgetting to sign up with these guys for a long time
Thanks for the reminder
Brand names are the best converting terms.
Brand names are the lowest price terms.

Companies invested millions (or billions) building out a brand name.

Sure they are going to have a problem with you leveraging their investment for your own personal gain. You did nothing to alert the user to the brand, you did not spend money on PR or radio ads or customer service.

All you did was point them in the direction of something that they were already looking for and for which they were going to find without your interference.

You added no value and should get paid accordingly.

True to some extend, but how do you call a fleshlight ? Masturbating device ? Pussy in a flashlight ? Discreet sexual relief tool ? The product is the brand. You can't sell butter by calling it "fat for your bread from a cow"...because it's butter.
Yeah, I saw that email too. I have fleshlight banners on one of my more adult-oriented sites, but have never tried to run a PPC promotion for them. Anyway, haven't had much luck using banners - how does the PPC convert?
Funny thing is, they NEVER allowed that. This is not a new development.
At least half a year ago (when I had that brilliant idea to drive traffic via PPC) that was already in their TOS.

Yeah, being able to read is an advantage.


It was in their TOS...sure. But they always accepted traffic and the sales that was generated from affiliates use of AdWords. It's not like it was a secret or anything...they were bidding against other affiliates.

Their TOS also says that using the Fleshlight term in domains are not allowed...but a Fleshlight rep said otherwise.
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