Flavor trippin' or Miraculin

Found this @ $1 a pill: (1 pill equals two berries concentrated)

Products « mBerry: Miracle Berry

I think this niche is very interesting; kinda like Acai berriez because it has weight-loss uses, but it's problem is that it got it's world recognition at the same time that Acai did...! So if acai had not exploded, this would have at that time, and if seems like it has a chance of being more useful.

I'm worried though that if someone used this a lot they'd get serious acid issues... But I guess if all you ate was lettuce and vegetables then it'd be perfect for weight loss.
I just ordered a box of 10 tables for 20 bucks.

Lots of domain names using keywords "miracle fruit."

I never did push the Acai but it looks very similar.
lolz. Already got a site related to that making decent money.

"synsepalum dulcificum" is a more popular term but its really just the same thing.

Yeah I bought some from thinkgeek a while back and though expensive it was worth the experience of eating grapefruit and lemons by the handful.
