FlatRateMedia--anybody use them?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Got a blind inquiry from FlatRateMedia the other day asking if I would be interested in running their banner on my site.

They are fairly new but have some big VC backing. Apparently they run an automated "analysis" on your site and tell you how much they'd be willing to pay as a flat rate monthly amount either via check or PayPal.

I'm seriously considering them for one site because it only gets about 4k visits/mo and they would give me $20 for roughly 5600 impressions/mo which is about a $3.57 CPM--not too shabby for a basic EPN site that only pulls in a few hundred a month. Plus, given the nature of the site, the banner would be located somewhere that would likely not cannabilize affiliate commissions.

I know for many of you an extra $20/mo is nothing but I'll take whatever I can get at this point to fund other activities. Plus, its steady and fairly reliable, although they go on a month to month contract so they could yank it at any time.

Anybody used them and had success? Are you able to negotiate your rate at all?