Fixing Online Reputation


chocolate affiliate
Jul 8, 2010
Hey guys I am searching on some advice that will assist me in fixing my online reputation. I am 21 now and about to graduate soon with my masters in accounting but I'm worried that employers will think twice about hiring me after doing a quick google search on me.

Back when I was 17 I did something real stupid that I am not proud of and subsequently I reap those consequences every time I do a search of my name. Everyone makes mistakes and I am certainly no exception. I have learned from my mistake and made amends with society. Pretty much I have already moved on with my life and put the event behind me. Now I'm searching ways to put some of those negative stories about me further down in Google/ Search engine rankings. What type of SEOing will need to be done to achieve this? Could I find a outsourcer that would be able to handle this? Definitely willingly to spend money so help me out!!

Please save the smart ass comments for someone else. Constructive feedback will be greatly appreciated! Cheers!

There are plenty of us who can do this and do reputation management on a regular basis. Web 2.0's, facebook profiles, and twitter profiles are your friend....
Damn you guys are nosey lol. But its a loonng story. To make it short I will say I was involved hacking/tampering with government records.. No pedo, raping, or horse fucking was involved...
So just make a bunch of web 2.0 properties and scrapebox blast them with your name?
Honestly for your name it should be that simple.
the problem with these if it happened 5+ years ago and was really popular the articles will not only have domain age but multiple, relevant, authoritative articles, pages, etc linked to it. not saying it cant be done, but...

check out what this kid did lol >>link<<...share this share this, tweet tweet
Maybe go out and actually do something positive that is noteworthy? You know, really build a reputation. Sure, it is somewhat odd when you can just fake it, but surprisingly contributing to society in a positive way and making a good name for yourself actually works.

Plus you can put it on your resume and those new relationships you build also can double as references to your character. It's a way out there concept, but on occasion it works.

Also, don't fret you are putting negative energy in your future unnecessarily. If it comes up in an interview just address it. They roll with it or not. You make your life as you lead it. Do not give your power away. It is their loss not yours.

Hell, just go balls to the wall and apply for a government accounting job.:ak:
Take a lesson from soupyone:

soupyone - Google Search

Or this guy:

ryan pitylak - Google Search

Best thing to do is to search your name and then go grab the top 20 positive serp results that include your name, even if they aren't you, or build your own profiles out on major authority sites then go on a fivver shopping spree. Hell I could use a reputation management trial run for my blog posting service so if you want i'll give you a free blast on 3k blogs across your positive serp listings.
Change your name.

Problem solved.

shawnhag is right that you're not going to knock authority sites off the page. Could try and bump your own article on same authority sites up.
Damn you guys are nosey lol. But its a loonng story. To make it short I will say I was involved hacking/tampering with government records.. No pedo, raping, or horse fucking was involved...
Ok, so you got caught or what?