Fixing Hidden Affiliate Links Plugin Bug + Wordpress 2.5

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Does anyone use this plug in? Hidden Affiliate Links update version 0.2 | PatchLog

I'm no coder unfortunately. But it cloaks and redirects in wordpress (saves alot of time you keywords which link directly to your affiliate links only it looks like it's on your site with the redirect, aka the cloaking)

I know about the ALinks plug in but that doesn't cloak?

I tried exchanging $hal_version=0.1 for $hal_version=0.2 in the wordpress plug in editor (as was suggested) but it still doesn't work :mad:
Anyone have any ideas?!

I don't use that but try going to Permalinks and hit the "Update Permalink Structure" button. You don't have to change anything, just hit the button.

I have to do that with the link cloaking plugin I use when I first install it for some reason.
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