Fix YouTube Video playback in FireFox. FINALLY!!!! Lulz

Midas Touch

He who laughs, LASTS!!
Dec 20, 2008
Dave's World
Ok, everyone here knows that I'm an Old Fart and I'm tired having to "Workaround" both FF and Flash to keep YouTube videos playing when using FF.

There was a thread awhile back about this problem after the last Flash update.

Well, instead of doing all of the uninstalling and reinstalling CRAP.....I finally found this................YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Just click on the Join the HTML5 Trial link at the bottom. Worked like a charm instantly for me.

Much easier and makes more sense to me. This way FLASH is still in FF for video other then YouTube.

I did a search and was unable to find the thread I seem to remember from about 3 or 4 weeks ago. So, I'm throwing this up for anyone still having problems YouTube in FF or if one develops this is a MUCH simpler solution.

I'm dumb so how do I know if it's working or not?

[ame=]Manta Style - YouTube[/ame]